23. A Captive Spirit

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'Captive spirit' have you ever heard this word before?
Father Jung asked the girl sitting in front of him and she nodded her head.
Y/n : When someone caged a spirit in a room or a small place so that they can't get out again and they become captive spirit.
Father Jung : You're right my daughter but this spirit isn't captive in a room or a place. She's captive in this world.
And she's using Taehyung to free herself from this world.
Y/n : Then how can we save him?
Father Jung : Don't worry there is always a way.
Jungkook : And what is the way?
Father Jung : Be patience my child you'll know soon.
Father Jung took out a book and showed it to them
Father Jung : This is a special book and from this book we could find out how to defeat that spirit.
Jungkook : Then what are you waiting for read the book and find out
Father Jung : I can't....
Y/n : Why? 'she asked filling disappointed'
Jungkook : Maybe he is illiterate
Father Jung glared at Jungkook before saying
Father Jung : Cause this is not an ordinary book. We can't open it like this. There is a special stone and only the help of that stone we can open it.
Jungkook : Then what are you waiting for bring the stone and open this book.
Father Jung : I'm sorry but I don't have the stone.
Y/n : Then where is it?
Father Jung : It is in the dark forest. And I can't go there but I can't send someone.
Jungkook : Then send someone and told him to bring the stone
Father Jung : Don't be impatient. I'll send my servant tonight to bring the stone. But he didn't do anything for free. You have to give him hundred dollars...
Y/n : Okay but where is he?
Father Jung : He will come here at afternoon you can give me the money I'll handed it to him.
Y/n look at Junkook and Jungkook took out his wallet and give hundred dollar to Father Jung. He gladly take it and smiled at them
Father Jung : You may go now. Come back tomorrow at the same time.
Y/n and Junkook nodded and went out from the church.
Jungkook : Do you think he can save Taehyung hyung?
Jungkook asked while walking towards home
Y/n : I don't know but we have to believe him cause he's the only way and I told you he's not a normal human otherwise he won't be able to vanish this fast yesterday.

Y/n and Jungkook went home and saw Jin was sitting on the couch waiting for them.
Jin : What did that father say? Can he help my brother?
Jungkoook : Yes hyung he said he can
Jin : That's a relief.
Jungkook and Jin started discussing about Taehyung's matter and Y/n went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Y/n : Good Morning...
She said while entering in Taehyung's room with his breakfast.
Taehyung : Hmm...
He just hummed in response. Y/n went near Taehyung and put her palm in his forehead to check his temperature. She sign in relief it's normal. He doesn't have any fever.
Y/n : Here is your breakfast
She put the spoon in front of Taehyung's mouth but he turn his head other side.
Taehyung : It's okay I can eat by myself.
He said and take the plate from Y/n making her confused. But she didn't said anything just remain quite. Now the atmosphere is silent. No one utter a single word. Taehyung finish his food and Y/n took the plate from him. She handed him a glass of water and turn around to leave...
Taehyung : Where did you go with Jungkook in the morning?
He suddenly spoke making Y/n stop in her track.
Taehyung : I saw you both going somewhere in early morning from my balcony.
Y/n : I... I umm.. Y-Yeah morning walk.. w-we just go out for a morning walk
Taehyung : I never saw you going out for morning walk before...
Y/n : I w-woke up early t-today and coincidentally he also woke up that t-time so we d-decided to go out.
Taehyung : We could take me instead of him I didn't go out since three days because of that stupid fever.
Y/n : That because I thought you were sleeping that time... but if you want to go out than let's go.
Taehyung : Now?
Y/n : Yes you don't have fever so we can go out your brother won't stop us.
Taehyung smile brightly and walk towards Y/n.
Taehyung : Okay then let's go...

It's almost afternoon but the weather isn't that heat because the sun is hiding behind the light grey clouds making the sky shaded with blue orange and light grey colour. The mild breeze in blowing making the girls soft heir touched with the boy's face who's sitting beside her. He smiled at the feeing and inhale her scent. He looked at her with so much adore and love in his eyes.
Taehyung : You're looking tired wanna go back home?
Y/n : No it feels good here let's stay for a while.
He nodded with a smile. Taehyung wrapped in arms around her shoulder and pulled her towards him. Her head landed in his chest making her gasp
Taehyung : You can rest here if you want?
Y/n rose her head a little and looked at Taehyung. Her head is still in his chest. Taehyung smile and kissed Y/ns nose making her blush. She quickly look down and heard his chuckle. Taehyung started caressing Y/ns heir slowly. Y/n woke up early in this morning to meet father Jung so she's kinda sleepy now and the way Taehyung is caressing her hair making her more sleepy. She felt her eye lids becoming heavy. Slowly she closed it before drifting into her dream land

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