11.The red rose

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Y/n just froze on her place. Her leg's were trembling. That woman was looking at her with blood red eyes. Suddenly she started crawling towards her while making weird creepy noise from her mouth. As if she's having breathing problem
Her long heir was brushing with the floor. Y/n know she have to run but her legs were frozen she couldn't move them. That women almost reached toward her while crawling. Her heir was covering almost half of her face Y/n could only see her one red eye and some part of her face where her flesh and bone was visible. Y/n gathered her all courage and ran towards the door she twisted the door nob but.... the door was locked. She twisted the nob multiple times with her trembling hand sweat were dripping from her forehead. Suddenly the creepy breathing sound of that woman stopped. Y/n slowly looked behind her and saw no one. Her eyes slowly went down to the floor and her unsteady breath stopped. That.... that lady was sitting right in front of her leg. She slowly moved her hand towards Y/ns leg. Y/n closed her eyes ready for her end. Seconds passed but Y/n didn't felt anything she slowly opened her eyes only to find herself alone in this room. Her scared teary eyes roamed around the whole room but there was no one in her room. Her breathing became a little bit normal.
"I-I.... I can't s-stay.. here al-alone..
I have to go t-to Tae-Taehyung..."
She again twisted the door nob and to her surprise it wasn't locked. She quickly opened the door only to saw that woman standing just in front of her..
Y/n scream backing away..

Taehyungs Pov
I was walking in the grave yard... but why am I here? When did I came here? I looked around and saw lot's of people were standing in front of the graves. Each person was standing in front of one grave each. They all were looking sad. Why are they here? What are they doing in front of the graves. But then I saw Min Yoongis grave there was no one standing beside it like other graves and there was a new grave beside Yoongis grave and there's no one in front of it either but that new grave was glowing unlike the others which gives me the clear view of it's grave stone. My heart skip beat my breath stopped and I started trembling when I saw the name on the grave stone.. MIN Y/N

I get it's the last day of my life. But I want to see Taehyung before I gone. I don't want to die in a ghosts hand but what can I do..that women is standing just in front of me but why isn't she doing anything yet she's just standing in front of me staring at me moving her neck left to right I could hear bone cracking sound at her every movement the view is scaring me from the core. I guess... I guess I should run instead of standing here waiting for this ghost to kill me. I ran past her and came out from my room. Darkness surrounded me I couldn't see anything clearly. I ran toward Taehyung's room in dark. I went inside his room and saw him sleeping I ran toward his sleeping figure. I was about to call him but someone grabbed my left leg I looked down and saw a hand... a severed hand I started trembling. Where is the body why it's only a hand? The hand has long sharp broken nails and
pieces of meat were hanging from its nails. The hand was full of blood it doesn't take time to me to understand that it was that womens hand. The hand was pulling me away from Taehyung. I want to go towards him but the hand was too strong.
I shouted while crying but he didn't even move a bit looks like he's in a deep sleep and on the other side the hand was keep pulling me away
"Taehyung wake up please... she's going to kill me"
No... he even didn't move I gathered all my left strength and moved a little bit further I fall down.. my knees hit the floor I quickly grabbed the bed sheet and pulled myself more further to the bed. I was trying to reach towards Taehyungs arm when I saw that lady standing opposite side of the bed in front of his head. Her right hand was missing well why not cause it was holding my leg and continuously pulling me away. she slowly bent down to Taehyungs level and cares his heir with her only hand
"No..no don't touch him... don't you dare to touch him"
I whispered angrily as tears were continuously falling from my eyes. She looked at me give me her creepy smile before crawling under the bed wait... why did she go under the bed? Suddenly I felt another hand on my leg I looked down and saw she was looking at me from under the bed. Shd pulled my legs and I fell on my stomach losing my balance then she pulled me under the bed as I scream my lungs out.

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