Part One | 36

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Chapter 36

Easter Break

I had just gotten my Geometry test back when the bell rang. I was extremely surprised to see that I got a 94%. I wasn't the best at math, but with Melissa helping me, I was managing to get A's on every assignment. I was extremely excited to tell Collie as I packed my book bag to leave the room. Just as I exited, I spotted Collie half-way down the hall from me. At first, it was hard looking for her blonde head in a crowd, but now, it's almost second nature. She smiled when we made eye-contact.

"Hey," I smirked once I reached her, interlocking her hands.

"How'd the test go?"

"Guess what?"

Her eyebrows rose. "You got a B."

I bit my lip. "Better."

She squeezed my hand. "No way, Brayden!"

I couldn't help but smile. "94."

"That's amazing!" she beamed.

It was. Collie knew I wasn't really good at the subject and sometimes she even tried to help me, but I felt too embarrassed; so I told her I was fine. Then when my grade went down to a C-, I realized I shouldn't be letting it get that low, so I asked Melissa to help me since she loves math. It was nice, too. Mother-son bonding. I laughed at myself.

"So, is your grade up now?"

"Probably a B, but I'll take that over a C-."

"Yeah," she agreed.

At the moment, we entered the cafeteria and unfortunately headed toward The Table. I hated sitting here, but this is where Collie feels comfortable, so I don't say anything, even though it has to be obvious.

"Oh, look who's here!" Zech acknowledged once Collie and I both took our seats. "The Beauty and the Beast!"

"Shut up, Zech," Collie scolded.

"Say, Pierson, how's living the normal boy life? Getting used to having a mom and dad?"

I sighed heavily. "Zech, everyone here knows I'm adopted," I pointed to everyone at the table. They all immediately looked away as if they weren't in on the conversation, but I'm not stupid. "Everyone here knows my biological parents weren't perfect, so just stop, alright?"

The table went silent right then. I thought I had the last word until Collie said she was going to get a spoon for her apple sauce. The second she was out of earshot, Zech leaned forward, giving me the most threatening, most confident, cunning smirk he could possibly muster. His voice so low, I felt like he was going to hurt me.

"I can tell I get under your skin, Pierson. I can tell I piss you off."

I glared at him.

"Did you ever ask about Bailey White?" he smirked.

I clenched my jaw before smirking myself. "I sure did."

Zech's face fell in shock. "And you're okay with it?"

I shrugged. "Why not?"

Just then, Collie came back, but Zech and I continued to have a stare down. He leaned back and resumed eating, but glanced at my girlfriend every so often. I wasn't sure if he could tell I was bluffing, but I thought I sold it pretty well.

Collie smiled at me, and I grinned back, kissing her cheek just to tick Zech off. It did. Like always.


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