Part One | 28

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Chapter 28

Talking Again

Not telling Collie about Bella after Andrew and I left made me feel really guilty, so on the car ride back, I made the brief decision to confront Ursa about it. She knows Bella best and probably knows what to say to calm me down. I was anxious, simply because Ursanne and I haven't had a decent conversation in a while. I hoped this wouldn't end like the past times we've talked.

"Thanks, Drew," I said, hopping out.

"Later, Bray."

I didn't turn back as I headed towards my front door. I knew it was unlocked so I opened it and went inside. I could hear the living room TV on and the voices of little girls. I knew my sisters were watching Disney Junior. I went upstairs and tossed my bag into my room before making my way down the hall to Ursa's room. I wiped my sweaty palms on my shorts before knocking on the door. 

"Come in!"

I shook my hand before placing it on the knob and turning. I peeked in.

Ursanne was leaning against the backboard on her bed, typing rather quickly on her laptop. She didn't even glance at me when she answered. "I knew it was you."

"H-how?" I could feel my face go red. My voice showed I was nervous.

"You're the only one in this house who has the decency to knock on my door," she smirked.

I stood awkwardly for a few moments. Finally, she set her laptop down in front of her feet.

"So what's up?" she inquired, turning to me and standing. Her face was solemn. She knew I wasn't here to make amends. Crossing her arms, she came towards me.

"I need your help."

She raised both eyebrows. "You need my help?"

I wiped my forehead, already frustrated with her. "C'mon, Ursanne. I know I haven't been all that nice to you but I'm serious right now."

She sighed and dropped her arms. "What's the matter?"

I took a deep breath and went over to her bed, scooting back so that I could sit against the wall. Placing both hands in my lap, I told her. "Bella told me she likes me."

I half expected my sister to already know, but she looked to be genuinely surprised. "No she didn't. When?!"

"When she slept over."

My sister seemed to be in deep thought for a long moment. She shook her head. "How can that happen? She was with me-"

"You fell asleep and I was hungry and she went to the bathroom I guess and then when she came out and she was hungry, too. I could tell because her stomach was growling-"

"Stay on topic, Brayden."

"So then we started talking about the Sweethearts Dance and I asked her if she was going and she said the guy she's into doesn't like her and I somehow got her to tell me who it was and then she said it was me."

Ursanne sat at her desk chair. "What did you say?"

"Nothing? I can't even remember."

"You didn't say it back?"

I stared at her as if she were stupid. She's not, but it's a dumb question to ask. "Of course not! I love Collie!"

She frowned. "How'd she take it?"

"Bad!" I threw my arms above my head. "I don't know what to do, Ursanne. I don't want to tell Collie-"

"No! Don't tell Collie!"

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