Part One | 25

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Chapter 25


"Ready? One... Two... Three..."

The words had registered in my head, but I didn't think to open my eyes until multiple voices all shouted out.


I jumped, sitting up in my bed to face my family all crowding around in my room. I glanced at them all, practically shaking. Melissa sat at the foot of my bed, Greg behind her with a hand on her shoulder. The girls, youngest to oldest, all stood on the length side.

They continued the song, all grinning down at me. When they finished, I scratched the top of my head.

"I didn't think you guys would know..."

Melissa gawked. "Of course we'd know! What makes you think we wouldn't?!"

I shrugged, even though I just didn't want to voice the reason.

At St. Anne's we didn't really acknowledge birthdays. The nuns would, of course, but the orphans wouldn't. Another birthday was another year without our family. The older we got, the longer we weren't with our biological parents.

I hated my birthday because it should be my parents' most important day, but I didn't get anything; letters, calls, nothing. Not like I would anyway. They weren't supposed to know where I was, so I mean I guess I get why, but every birthday, I'd still have this small longing and hope that they'd come through those doors with their lives together, holding hands, and say, "Happy birthday, Brayden. We love you and we want you back," but every year, it would be another disappointment.

"Well we do know your birthday and we have some waffles downstairs to start off your celebration."

I pulled my covers off. "Waffles?"

"It's a Pierson tradition," Greg smiled.

"C'mon!" Net exclaimed, tugging my arm.

I complied, following the family out of my room and to the kitchen. As I was about to hop down the stairs, a hand pulled me back. I spun, surprised when I saw Ursa. I stiffened.

"Happy birthday," she said, her eyes hopeful.

It had been a few days since we talked and I knew it was eating both of us, but if things didn't change, I didn't want to be involved with her.

"Thanks," I muttered and then went to turn around, but she stepped forward.


I looked back.

"I don't want us to stop talking to each other again."

I didn't say anything.

She put her weight on the other foot. "I just... I don't want her to get between us."

I clenched my jaw. "You made that decision when you kicked me out of your room."

Without another word, I turned around and went downstairs, entering the kitchen. Ursanne joined us a few minutes later.

"Here you go, Brayden. Eat up, because even though it's your birthday, you still have to go to school."

I smirked. "Thank you."

While they let me eat, the girls were anxious for me to start opening presents, but Melissa shook her head.


Eda, Beau, and Dera whined. "Why tonight?"

Melissa shrugged. "It's too early. You guys have to get ready for school."

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