Part One | 49

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Chapter 49

The One Who Got It Better

I had called almost three times a day ever since I got a hold of Brenden's personal information, but I received no answer. So, on the sixth day, today, I left a message.

"Hi, uh, I hope this is the Murphys. My name is Brayden Pierson and I'd like to speak to Brenden Murphy's guardian as soon as possible. Thanks." I recited my number before hanging up and sat on my swivel chair, letting out a deep breath.

I began reading Grendel again for maybe thirty minutes until someone knocked on my door. Ursa's head peeked in before I could ask who it was.

"Hey. Collie's here," she said, almost as shocked as I was.

I sat up straight, not sure if I heard her right. I hadn't texted or called Collie and have been keeping our conversations to a minimum. She didn't deserve it, but I didn't want to talk to her and now she's suddenly at my house? "She's what?"

"She's at the door."

Confused, I hesitantly got up, setting the book down on my desk and went downstairs with my sister to see that my girlfriend was in fact standing at my doorway, a large orange envelope in her hand. I stood frozen for a moment before my legs approached her.

"Hey," she smiled, coming to kiss me once I met her at my doorstep.

I turned slightly, letting her graze my cheek. She was taken aback obviously, but I tightly smiled at her to prevent her from asking why I just did that. The awkward tension between us was a little overwhelming so I asked her if she wanted to come inside.

"Um, I was just giving these to you," Collie said, handing me the packet.

I took it from her, underestimating its weight and eyed it. "What is it?"

"I told my dad off about the investigation earlier this morning when he caught them in my room. I figured the only person who should have these is you."

"Thanks," I smiled. Then I felt like maybe I spend time with her. She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment and not knowing why. And after all, she is still my girlfriend. I grasped her wrist and pulled her in gently. "Come in, Collie."

She giggled and took a step inside, the awkwardness no longer present. She greeted my family who was in the living room before following me to the back. My parents were surprised she was here, probably because they'd most likely all discussed the fact that I may or may not have broken up with her yet.

We sat down in the patio chairs as I opened the packet and scanned some of the papers. "So your dad was probably really mad you had these, huh."

She nodded. "Yeah, he was. He-"

My phone began ringing in my pocket, making me jump a little. I apologized to her before taking it out. I froze when I saw that it was Brenden.

"This is him," I told her, showing my phone.

Her eyes widened, but she didn't reply so I quickly answered. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Brayden?" a female voice asked.

My throat suddenly went dry. "Y-yeah that's me."

"I'm Brenden's mother." So she kept the name. "Can I ask what this is about?"

I glanced at Collie who encouraged me to keep talking. "Um, I just need to ask a few questions about him, if that's all right."

"What for?"

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