Part One | 38

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Chapter 38

Mr. Mathers

"I personally like Obama, but Bella hates him, which is stupid, you know? Because she barely pays attention to politics."

"Yeah," I muttered, trying my best to stay awake.

"I mean, he's a good guy at least. Every president makes mistakes. They're not Jesus!"


"I just think it's pointless for her to talk crap about him just because her dad doesn't like him. She barely knows the man!"

Just then, much to my happiness, the bus stopped. Immediately, I stood up with my bag over my shoulder. "Yep. Gotta go. Love you. Bye."

I heard her groan behind me, but I didn't care. All I wanted was to get out of the bus and see my girlfriend. Ursa was bugging me like crazy this morning. Who cares about whether your friend likes the president or not?

Entering Constance, I ran to my locker, having a feeling she'd be over there. And I was right. Collie stood directly in front of my locker with the cutest smile on her face. Her hair was straight today which was probably never going to happen again. But that's not the case. She's back!

Running to her, I dropped my bag and enveloped her in my arms, lifting her up.

"Miss me?" she asked when I set her back down.

I didn't answer her just yet, but kissed her eagerly instead. Two seconds later, I pulled back, nearly out of breath I was so excited. "You have no idea."

She grinned, staring at me. It was almost awkward for a second.

"I got you something," she finally announced.

I frowned. "You did?"

She nodded and bent down to her bag, unzipping the small pocket in the front. It didn't take her long to get whatever item she wanted before she stood up, smiled at me and opened her hands. A small, blue seashell sat in her palm. I stared at it.

"You, um, got me a shell?"

She laughed, glancing at it. "It's not just any seashell. It's special."

I grinned, taking it from her. "Why?"

She tensed, looking a little uncomfortable. Glancing at me, she pressed her lips together. "W-, um, you know, some Hawaiians believe that, um, at this beach we were at, that if you find a seashell that you think is the most beautiful and you give it to someone, it means that they'll always be beautiful to you." She stopped for a moment. "And if you give it to someone you love, they have this... prophesy that they'll love you back."

"Why are you giving it to me then? I already love you back."

She shrugged happily. "Well I guess I'm giving it to you because you're beautiful to me."

Something in me changed just then. I don't know what it was, but I felt different. I felt good. I've always known that the Piersons love me and I've always known that Collie loves me, but being beautiful to her... It made me feel beautiful, and not in the looks kind of way, but on the inside. Hearing her call me that word is so much more different than if I were told by Melissa or Ursa. It was like I was capable of being flawless in front of someone who isn't my family, in front of someone who I thought was flawless.

In front of Collie.

Placing a hand on the back of her waist, I pulled her toward me and kissed her, gently this time. When I was little, since my parents didn't work out, I always felt like relationships are just hazards in life. They're pointless drama-inflicting hazards that ruin you. Meeting Collie, there hasn't been a day where I thought that maybe I don't love her; maybe I don't feel as strong as she does for me. There hasn't been one day where I've had any doubts toward my feelings for her. Maybe I had doubts about whether it was okay to have feelings for her, but I never doubted my feelings themselves.

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