Part One | 48

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Chapter 48

Who Collie Mathers Used to Be

"How are you, Brayden?" Dr. Johnson asked as I took my usual seat.

"Pretty good," I smiled.

"That's good. No family troubles?"

I shrugged happily. "Not really. I've been visiting my mom, my biological mom."

"How's that goin'?"

"It's okay, but..." I avoided eye contact. "Sometimes she says things that... You know, she shouldn't say."

"Like what?"

I sighed. "Last time I visited, I took Collie with me, my girlfriend," he nodded, "and she basically asked me to ask Melissa to give her money and to let her move in. And then she she said stuff like Melissa got all the inheritance, which wouldn't surprise me because my mom left when she got pregnant with me so what was she going to expect? But that was like she was guilt-tripping me."

Dr. Johnson made no reaction.

"I felt like..." I tried to desperately search for the right words. "Like, I was her plan, like she needs me to get out of that prison and go back to who she was, like she hasn't changed."

"Do you believe she's changed?"

"I did at first, but now I don't really know. I mean, she hasn't really said anything regarding that she'll go back to the life she used to have, but she asked it like she does. I think she has a money problem."

"What's lead you to believe that?"

I bit my lip. "She left my dad for another guy and that guy got her pregnant. Oh yeah, did Melissa tell you I have a long-lost brother?"

His eyes widened. "Okay, then."

I laughed at his reaction. "Anyway, she took money from him and that's what got her in prison, and I guess other stuff but I don't really know."

He nodded. "How does that make you feel?"

"Insignificant. It's obvious that she feels like she really needs it, and I guess she left my family for that guy so I have a feeling the money's got to do with it, too."

He nodded and the room fell silent. All I'd been thinking about was Brenden, where he was, when I could meet him. I wasn't sure if I should talk to Melissa and Greg about it... Unless Dr. Johnson suggests I should.

"Dr. Johnson?"

He watched me.

"My brother, my mom named him Brenden. I don't know if that's his name now, but that's how I know him. Obviously, she put him under adoption, or the dad did, I don't know, but it's a closed one. My girlfriend, her dad is kind of a psycho and hired a private investigator to figure out my life."

"Wow-" Dr. Johnson breathed.

"I know. It's creepy," I admitted. "Anyways, Collie found out about that and she suggested that... we use him to find Brenden."

Dr. Johnson frowned and tapped his knee twice, seeming unsure and I don't blame him.

"Have you talked to Melissa and Greg about this?"

"They don't know."

"Brayden, I'm not sure looking for him is a good idea, especially under this investigator. I personally don't agree with him or private investigations, but for you, I feel like you will feel more in control of your life if you wait a while rather than pry into this situation."

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