Part One | 47

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Chapter 47

Collie Meets Marie

I was just finished putting on fresh clean clothes when I got out of the shower. Melissa had set up an appointment to meet my mom again earlier last week, and although I wasn't particularly excited, I did want to see her again. We always seem to get a bit more  emotional by every visit and that's what makes me so nervous, but we have to.

Melissa was on the phone in the kitchen when I reached downstairs. "Are you sure? Maybe we just need an oil change or something."

I went over and sat on the island stool, watching her talk to who it sounded like Greg over the phone.

"Alright," she sighed. "I'll be over in a bit." She hung up.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Your father's car broke down and I have to go get him."

I frowned. "But we have to meet my mom."

"I know," she nodded, "but I think we're just going to have to reschedule."

"Can I go alone? Do I have to be an adult to go by myself?"

She pressed some buttons on her phone. "No, you have to be sixteen."


"But even then, Brayden, I'm not sure I want you going alone."

"Ursa can come with me."

"Absolutely not."

"Come on, Melissa-"

"No, Brayden."

I bit my lip and thought for a moment. "What about Collie?"

She gave me a flat look. "Brayden."


She was about to protest, but I beat her to it.

"After all the things that have happened, I promise we won't do anything bad. I'll follow all the rules, won't text while driving, and I'll be as careful as possible."


"And if I need anything, I'll call you in a second."

Melissa clenched her jaw, eyeing me for a long moment. I knew what I was asking was really pushing it, but if I gain her trust with this, I'll be sure not to take advantage of it. Besides, when in a million years will I ever get to have the opportunity to have Collie and Marie meet in person? And I know my girlfriend. She's been dying to meet my real mom.

Finally, Melissa sighed, and I fought the urge to smirk. "Don't make me regret this, Brayden."

"I can go with her?" I beamed. Oh my gosh, I can't believe she actually said yes!

"Yes, but if you do anything reckless again, we'll for real forbid you to see Collie, alright? Shawn's already threatening a lock-down on her."

"Yes! Sure! Yeah!" I hopped off my stool and ran around the island to hug Melissa. "Thank you so much, Melissa!"

It was weird being almost as tall as Melissa when I was nearly half a foot smaller than her when I first met her. Time flies.

"You text me when you pick up Collie and call when you've reached the facility. Do you know how to get there?"

I turned around ran towards my keys, grasping them from the hooks by the exit of the kitchen. "Yep!"

"I'll call and let them know the issue."

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