Part One | 31

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Chapter 31

The Reunion

"How's it been for you, Brayden?" Dr. Johnson asked when he closed the door.

I sighed, not looking at him. "Not too good?"

I should've told him all about Sweethearts. I should've told him how I felt, but all I could think about were my parents. Melissa had me skip school today to make an appointment for therapy. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to go see my mom, but Melissa wasn't letting me do that.

This morning, I asked her and she refused. We got frustrated with each other to the point that she called Dr. Johnson. I didn't know he worked on weekdays and I kind of hoped he hadn't.

"My parents told me the truth," I admitted.

"And what's that?"

"Why they adopted me and where my real parents are."

"What kind of information did they give?"

I swallowed, not sure if I could trust myself to tell him.

"Th-they told me my mom was in prison. I knew that, but I didn't know where. We weren't allowed to know at the orphanage. Frankly, we didn't really care to know. I just... You know, I-I wanna see her."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

I finally looked up at him. His facial expression was one of concern almost.

I shook my head. "I don't know. I'd like to think it is. I can get answers."

"What kind of answers do you want?"

"Why did she choose to live the way she did back when I was with her. Why was she so messed up? Why didn't she care?"

"Are you sure you want those answers? Brayden, have you ever thought of how those answers might be?"

I sighed. "Yes."

"She could say something you don't want to hear."

"But at least I'd know," I admitted, leaning back on the leather seat.

He nodded. "You're right."

"And then my dad."

He waited as tears began to well up in my eyes.

"He killed himself." I said it so quiet I almost didn't think he heard me.

He continued to stay silent.

"I just know..." I sniffed. "I just know that I can't answers from him now... And I'll regret it for the rest of my life if I don't see her before she does the same."

Dr. Johnson moved towards me in his seat.

"Brayden. There are things that you can't change. There is pain that you have to endure. I can tell by looking into your eyes that you have been through too much. I think Melissa is trying to protect you from that. She doesn't want to keep your mom away from you, she wants to keep you away from your mom."

I wiped my nose bitterly, not entirely sure what he was getting at.

"You were closer to your father, yes?"

"A lot more than my mom," my voice broke.

"I'm really sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what kind of hurt you must be going through, but imagine the hurt that will happen if you do see your mom."

"I know she won't magically get out and be clean and sober and not... her old self, but... I just want to know if I was a mistake."

"You were never a mistake, Brayden. Don't ever think that," he said, pulling out a tissue and handing it to me.

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