Chapter 1

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['Saiki thoughts', '(y/n) thoughts', 'others thoughts']

*school bell rings*

"Did you hear there's a new transfer student!" "Yea, and it's a girl." "I hope she's hot."

'Good grief. How many transfer students are we going to get. Just hope she's isn't a psychic like me and the other two weirdos.'

The teacher walks in and announce that there's a new student. The student walks in dressed nicely in her uniform and hair in a unique style.

"Class, this is our new transfer student. I expect you to treat her well." The teacher says and steps aside to let her write on the chalkboard.

When she picked up the chalk to write her name she stops before writing anything.

"S-sorry guys. I'm not that good at writing my name." The girl puts down the chalk and stepped to the side.

'What happened?' 'Why can't she write?' 'Does she not know how to write in Japanese?'

'To answer their questions, yes. She doesn't know how to write in our language, but the good thing is she can speak it. And reading her mind I already know her name is (y/n) (l/n).'

"Well, if you like you can just say you name out loud and where your from." The teacher says with a smile.

"Okay. Again sorry about that. My name is (y/n) (l/n) and I'm from (country)." She says shyly but her attention was brought by someone's hand raised up.

"Yes Nendo? What is it?" The teacher ask to the boy in the back of the class. "If your from (country) can you write your name in your language."

Every nods in agreement while the teacher look interested in the question. (Y/n) looks at the teacher for approval and she nods.

The class got quite as she wrote her name. "Here's my name, so yea."

"Well thank you (y/n) for that" the teacher walks up next to her. "Now, you can sit next to Saiki near the window. Saiki."

I raises my hand to notify the student where I sit.

'She seems fine so far. So I guess she can sit next to me.'

The transfer student that knows my secret. |Saiki x reader story|Discontiuned!Where stories live. Discover now