Chapter 20

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Saiki point of view

'Hey Saiki!' I heard (y/n)'s voice out loud. 'Why didn't you call me on your phone?' 'It died a few minutes before school ended. I had to use it all last class period.'

I nod to myself. 'So what is it?' 'My parents said I can hangover this weekend. When can I come over?' 'When ever you can. My parents and I don't mind.' 'Okay. I might come over later in the afternoon.' 'Okay see you then.'

*next day*

"Good morning kusou!" My mother jumped up at the end of the stairs. "Good morning." I yawn while rubbing the back of my head as I walk down the stairs.

"Good morning, little brother." I glance to my right to see Problem #1 today. MY BROTHER. "So I heard from mother that a girl is coming over for a sleepover tonight. Isn't that cute." "..."

*teleports back to bedroom*

Problem #2, (y/n) and my brother are going to meet. 'I forgot that I told mom she's coming over and now she told him of all people. First of all, why is he here?'

'Mom? Why is kusuke here?' I talk to her telepathic. 'He said he wanted to visit so here he is. Oh and I bought some snacks for you and (y/n) to eat later for your sleepover.' I thank her and left it there.

My phone buzzes and I see that (y/n) has texted me.

-Text messages-

Hey Saiki. Is it okay if I come over early?

Yea I don't mind.

Okay see you soon ☺️

-End text messages-

I put down my phone and walk down the stairs to meet her at the door. It only took a while before she arrived at the door.

"Hey. Thanks for letting me come over." I nod and grab her bag of clothes and teleport it in my room. From the corner of my eye I saw my mother walk up to me.

"Who was that at the door ku? Oh I didn't know you were coming earlier. Good time actually. Ku's brother arrived a while ago."

'Problems #2 is now in action, good grief.' (Y/n) nods and followed her into the living room. Before she walk a little more in the house, I grab her arm and walked out the door. "Saiki! Where are we going?!?"

I ignore her question and was about to teleport somewhere else with her. "Kusou. Where're you going brother?" 'Brother?' 'Good grief.'

We teleported into an ally in the city. "Saiki! Hold on for a second. What is going on? You rushed me out the house, ignored your brother, and now we're all of a sudden here." I don't respond to let her think for a second. Hint that I can hear what she thinking while putting the puzzle together.

"Are we running away for your brother?" "Yes." "Wait, why?" I didn't answer her question and grabbed her hand. We walk together around the streets. I decided to stay away from home for a while to clear my head of what to do to get rid of my brother. I need to do that in order to have an relaxing time with (y/n).

I looked around for a store or something to wait out the time for a while. "Hey Saiki. Can we stop at this cafe for a second?" She pointed to the cafe I would usually visit. I agree and we walked in, still hands together.

"Hello. What can I get for you cute couple?"

. . . 'Wait. Cute couple?' 'Couple?'

We both looked down at our hands and realized what she was going based off of. Even though we were both embarrassed we didn't let go of each other. "Yes. Table for two."

She grabs two menus and seat us at a table. We thank her and start looking at what to order. "Man. I don't know what to order. What are you getting Saiki?" "Coffee Jelly." "*sigh* I should of known. I'll just get what you have then."

After a while the waitress comes and order our food. She took our menus and left. I quietly look out the window in search for an no invited person. From the corner of my eye I can see (y/n) watching where my eyes were looking for.

"So... why are we running away from your brother. And don't give me an stupid excuse." I sigh face her to tell her everything. About the jealous brother and our rivalry between us since we were kids. She wasn't as shocked as I thought she would be, which is good. This will make it easier on how to avoid Kusuke.

"Here's y'all's coffee jelly. Enjoy the food." The waitress bowed and when off to their next customer. We thank her before she leaves and start to eat.

I finish before her and started to think of something to get Kusuke off my back.

Hey guys. Been a while huh. Well I just wanted to at least put in a chapter since it's been a really long time. So yea.

Also it will still take me longer to get in some more chapters. Just letting you guys know.


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