Chapter 11

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Saiki point of view

I arrived home and walked up the stairs. I look in my closet and find a sweatshirt and medium length jeans. After I changed, I walked down into the living room where my parents were waiting.

"Ready Kusou?" My mother asked and walked over to me. I nod. "Okay. Then let's go." We all walk out of the house and go towards the (l/n)'s home. My mother knock on the door. The door opens to reveal her mother, Mrs. (l/n).

"Oh, good afternoon. Thank you for coming. Please, come in." (y/n)'s mother greeted us. We all walked in. Behind her was (y/n) and her father. "Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. (l/n) and (y/n). Thank you for inviting us." my father says. We bow but they just give us a shocked look.

"You don't need to bow. Were not all use to it yet. But please come in and sit." I walk up to (y/n) and follow her to one of the couches. We both sit next to each other. 'Wait. Why did this just kick in my mind about Mrs. Saiki knowing my name. We never meet, yet she knows. Has saiki been talking about me at his home.'

I smirk quickly then return to my normal face. "Hey (y/n). How about you and saiki go up stairs and talk to get to know each other." We both nod and I follow (y/n) to her room.

"Well, here's my room. It's not much tho." Her room was a good size with mainly a desk, bed, and a closet. It was nice and neat with her study book organized on and under the desk and some other books on a shelf.

I walk up to the desk and see different medical textbooks. 'So this is what she was studying that nights. Hmm.' I then walk to her shelf and see different mangas she has of animes I've watched.

"Oh yea. Those are my manga collection." (Y/n) says nervously and walks next to me. "Maybe we can watch some together some day. Well if you watch anime I shouldn't assume that you do." 'Was that rude. I hope he's not mad at me.'

"Yea I would love that." Her eyes widened like a kids first time seeing something magical. "I-is it okay if we watch some right now? But if you want to just talk that's fine." I agreed with watching anime.

Since she didn't have a tv in her room she pulled out her laptop and sat on the bed. I asked why she didn't have a tv and she says her parents think it's a distraction. 'Such strict parents.'

I sit next to her a get comfortable and placed a blanket on our laps. We agreed to watch (favorite anime). |comment what's your favorite anime is. I'm interested to know 😄|

A while later her mother knocked on the door, telling us that she placed some snacks at the door for us. (Y/n) got up, thanked her mom, and closed the door. She walked back to the bed but slipped on a blanket she dropped when she go off the bed.

Her grip of the snacks loosen and the food was falling towards me. I used my powers to make the food float in the air so it won't land on me or make a mess. 'Sh*t. (Y/n) might be lo...' I look down and meet eyes with her shocked ones.

The transfer student that knows my secret. |Saiki x reader story|Discontiuned!Where stories live. Discover now