Chapter 6

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(Y/n) point of view

We walk out after saying bye. The sun was setting and the air was getting cold fast. It was a good, but weird, silence we had as we walked by different houses.

A few minutes passed before I stop at a little playground. "Hey Saiki." He stops to look at me. "I'm going to sit down for a bit. You can go on home if you want."

He watches as I sit down on a bench. Instead of leaving he sits right next to me. "I have a feeling you don't know where you live from here. Am I right?"

I whip my head to make eye contact with him as he grows a small smile. But I do have to admit 'I am lost.'

A strong wind fly by and caused me to shiver. Saiki noticed and, like males do in a romantic story, takes off his jacket to place it on my shoulders.

"No it's okay. You will get cold too." I say as I take it off. Well if I can but for some reason I can't get the jacket off. Like it's glued to my shoulders.

"No. I don't want you to get a cold." He responds firmly. While I was still tugging to get the jacket off, I noticed Saiki's index finger was lifted up on the bench.

"Fine. I will keep it on, and thanks." I whisper the last part. He smirks a little and looks towards the sky. I look down at his hand and now his finger is relaxed. 'I will think of that later.'

We sit there for a few more minutes until it was almost completely dark. "Well. I guess it's time for me to go home." 'Even tho I don't know which way to go or the street I even live on.'

"I'll walk you home." Wait what. But it's late. He doesn't have to do that. He gets up as well and stands next to me. "It's either you don't want me to walk with you or you don't know how to get home."

I sighed and started walking acting like I know where to go. We walk for a little and stop at two directions to take. "My second guess was right about you being lost."

I turn my head and gave an annoyed look. And in response he rolled his eyes. "Just follow me. I can take you to my house and we can call your parents to pick you up for there." I nod and just follow behind him like a lost puppy.

~Time skip~

Saiki point of view

We get to my house and see the lights on. Showing that my parents are still awake. (Y/n) stops at the house next to mine. She looks back at me with a shocked face. 'We're neighbors?' I hear (y/n)'s thoughts but act as I didn't know.

"Crazy thing. Umm my house is right here and I guess we're neighbors now." I smile and nod. "Well guess I will see you tomorrow at school. Also, thank you for inviting me to your home and at the same time walking me home." She giggle a little and rubbed the back of her head.

I nodded and went inside, but as soon as I closed the door I used clairvoyance to make sure she walked in her house safely. I stopped and looked straight and see my parents next to me. Hyper as usual.

"Kusuo dear, who was that girl you were talking to?" "Are you guys friends?" I ignore my parents and walked to my room. Not even half way up the stairs my mother screamed.

Reading her mind I know exactly what she was thinking. She rushed at the bottom of the stairs and looked at me with a shocked look.

"AHHHH!!! Kusuo is she your girlfriend!?!?!" I showed an annoyed face but it doesn't scare my parents, only others. I stood there is silence and shook my head. My dad stood next to her and whispered something to her.

"Guys, I know what your thinking and talking about." They ignored me but after my dad finish whispering they both laughed and finally walked away.

'She's just a student in my class. Not a friend and not my girlfriend. And dad should stop believing in what he said the mom about her being my future wi-. Why am I thinking about her. More over why was I so kind to her out of nowhere. I walk with her to the ramen shop, I follow her to the park, I invited her to my home, heck I watched her to make sure she walked a few feet into her house. What ever. Good grief.'

I stop arguing with myself and get ready for bed. I get under the covers and close my eyes but start to her (y/n)'s thoughts louder that any other thoughts I hear. Like she's yell at herself.

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