Chapter 21

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(Y/n) point of view

"What? You finished already. You must really love coffee jelly to eat it that fast." I joke and continue eating.

While I was still finishing up eating, Saiki looked out the window with a thinking face. "Hey, is something bothering you? Like your brother?" He looked at me and sighed lightly.

"Yea. When ever my brother is around he kind of gets in my business sometimes. Also with our sleepover tonight he's definitely going to get in the way." His face turned into a sad look. "And to be honest I've been looking forward to this."

I push the rest of my coffee jelly towards his. "Here. You can have the rest if you want." His face lights up as he eats the rest. "And done worry. You can talk to him about it and just say that him and I can meet each other another time."

He agreed to the plan and we get ready to leave. Before we left, we had to pay. Saiki already stored in his memory that I would more likely try to pay for us. "Let's both split the pay." "Okay."

By the time we left the café it was already the afternoon. There was still a lot of time left over until night so we weren't in a rush to get home.

"Guess you knew that I would of fought over who pays, huh?" I asked as we walked around for a while.

"Yea." He said and grabbed my hand to walk down an ally. After a few seconds of making sure no one was watching, he teleports us back to his room.

I lay on his bed as he went to see if his brother was still in the house. "I'll be right back." I nod as he left the room.

Saiki's point of view

I walked down the stairs to were Kusuke was. He was working on one of his gadgets on the kitchen table. Probably up to something new to fight me with.

"Hey Saiki! Where have you've been with that new girl?" He asked without looking up. "I've been out." I watch him from the other side of the table.

"How about we even out the score on who can win at laser tag tonight?" He points to the laser gun that he was working on. Knowing my brother real well, that laser is definitely not some kid toy type of laser.

"No" "Why not?" "Because-" "Let me guess. Because of your girlfriend." "...she's not my girlfriend and I just wanted to hangout with her as friends and without you." "But I want to meet her now that I know that you have friends." "You can meet her another time, but not today."

Kusuke thought for a moment before answering. "Fine. I will leave, but I will stay in town to see her next weekend. Okay~" He says in a weird way for some reason.

"Your not going to plan anything crazy are you?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Fine. You can come over next weekend, but only if you promised not to do anything weird or stupid."

"Deal!" He gets up and clean up his space to leave.

"Your leaving so soon, Kusuke?" My mother enters the room. "Yea, but don't worry mom. I will be staying in a hotel to come back next weekend to stay longer."

"Oh, that's good. See you then." My mother walks him to the door. After he left I felt more relaxed.

"Where's dad?" I asked my mother as she walked back into the kitchen. "He went to pick up pizza and some snacks you guys might like. So it will be a while before he gets back." I nod and went back to my room.

"Everything worked out okay?" I walked in and found all my video games scattered everywhere.

"What are you doing with these?" (Y/n) looks around at the mess she made. "Sorry. I just wanted to pick out a game we could play, but made a bit of a mess." She smiled innocently.

"What game are we going to play?" I ask and sat next to her. "Well I was thinking about playing this game, but I feel like I would get bored playing it. Or this, but it looks too complicated form what I hear." She looks around in thought.

"Or what about that one," she points to a game farther away. "It's called 'Little Nightmares' I heard it was a creepy but good game."

I used telekinesis to bring the game over and put away the others. "You know I could of helped clean up". "I don't mind. Anyway, this is quicker."

We get closer to the tv to set up the game. I looked at the time to see that it was almost night already. "Ready to play?" I look at her bright and excited eyes. "Yea."

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