Chapter 14

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(Y/n)point of view

'Sunday. And tomorrow is Monday, the day I have to go back to school. Well at least I get to hang out with Saiki on my last day of the weekend.' I get finished eating my breakfast and head next door.

"Good morning (y/n). Saiki is in his room so I will get him." Mrs. Saiki calls kusou through her mind, 'cause she didn't say anything out loud, and walked farther into the house.

"Oh good morning Ms. (l/n)." Mr. Saiki greets me. "Good morning and you can call me by my first name (y/n)." He looked shocked but nod in agreement.

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. "Good morning Saiki." He smirks and nods. "You can call me kusou." I nod.

'Your parents are so nice and layed back. You must be lucky not having to deal with strict parents.' I say to Kusou but he roles his eyes and walks into the kitchen.

I guess I spoke to soon. Mr. and Mrs. Saiki we're going back and forth about how much they dislike each other. Even though you can tell they were trying hard to deny that they loved each other.

'Guess I spoke to soon. *giggle*' I joke and followed behind Kusou. He grabbed some breakfast and we both walked up stairs to his room. We hanged out for hours and had to do some homework because my dad made me do some. But as a reward he let me stay longer to have dinner with them.

"Kusou, (y/n) dinner is ready!" Mrs. Saiki called us. We walked out his room and went to sit down at the kitchen table. Kusou and I sat on one side while his parents sat on the other. "Here you guys go. Eat up."

We started eating but Mr. Saiki started complaining about his food. "Hey hey hey!" "Oh honey, there's second for you!" "No because I bet it's the other shoe!" She brought in another plate. "Eat up." "That's not even from the same pair!"

I turn to kusou and asked, in my thoughts, if this is normal. "It's been like this for half a year." He responds. I continue eating while listening to them argue.

"Kusou, could you do me a favor and use your powers and transform this into steak for daddy." He whisper to kusou. But he just ignores his father. "Oh so now your on your mother's side-" Mr. Saiki keeps yelling but soon finally try it. "Ugh this stinks!"

Then Mrs. Saiki tells Kusou to use his powers for good things and don't waste it. But then like a switch she tells him to hurt his dad as much as he please. I snicker a little and they all hear.

Mr. Saiki looked at me shocked, Mrs. Saiki giggled with her eyes close, but Kusou just looks at me with a hint of confusion. "Your on her side too!" Mr. Saiki yells. Mrs. Saiki skips over to behind me and wrap her arms softly around my neck and rest her head on mine.

"Oh of course, since I'm soon going to be her mother-in-" "Don't finish that sentence." Kusou said with a little angry tone.

I snicker a little more. "Sorry, I'm not use to dinner like this." Both of his parents looked at me with a smile. I noticed that Mr. Saiki slowly grabs Kusou's plate and starts inhaling the food.

"... Stop eating Kusou's food you theifing son of a b*tch! That's it we're taking this outside!" She charge after her husband. I ignore them and look at Saiki peaceful eating his dessert, coffee jelly. I watch him quietly and smile.

I see from the corner of my eyes Mr. Saiki flying this way but I was to late to warn Kusou. When he felt the compact from his father he drops his jelly. But catch it in his mouth. 'That was kinda of cool.'

Mrs. Saiki gets mad and throws the table but Kusou stops it. To round it all up both of them start yelling about them hating the other but soon heard the others thoughts, helped by Kusou. They stop arguing and make up.

Kusou continues eating while I put away his and my plate in the sink. I turn around and see Mrs. Saiki take Kusou's coffee jelly which makes him mad. I walk towards him but all the glass in the house brake.

Unfortunately I was close too the window and a piece of glass cuts my hand. It was a small cut so I didn't react much to it. I go to the sink and rinse my wound. 'Wait, what time is it?' My dad said to be home by 9 but the clock on the microwave says 9:24. 'Frick!'

I turn towards Kusou and see he has my backpack in his hand. "Heard my thoughts?" He nodded and hands it to me. I thank him, say goodbye to his parents, and walk home.

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