Chapter 16

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Teruhashi point of view

'My name is Kokomi Teruhashi. And not to brag but I'm the perfect example of a perfect pretty girl. Again I'm not being a jerk, I'm just stating a fact. For the most part I don't make a habit of boasting about how pretty I am.

So not only am I beautiful on the outside, I'm beautiful on the inside. And you know what that means right. It means I'm incomparableu!'

I look over to my left and see two people walking. I noticed them from my class. 'There in my class. What's the boys name? Sega, Sake, oh Saiki. Kusou Saiki. Oh and the new girl is with him. I should go talk to her which will get me closer to him.'

"Hi Saiki. I notice that you were with the new girl." 'Perfect he has a memory of me he can cherish for the rest of his life.'

Saiki point of view

'Teruhashi keep on rambling about be being perfect, but I kind of ignored her and looked at (y/n).'

"Hey, you okay?" I said to only her. She looks up and then at Teruhashi and nods. Once Teruhashi was done talking i bowed and left with (y/n) following behind.

I start to feel bad for (y/n) being ignored by Teruhashi even tho she's right next to me. "Hey (y/n). Go into the cafe up ahead and I will be back in a minute." She nods and goes in.

"Saiki! Silly, you know it's not polite to ignore a girl." Teruhashi says as she jumps in front of me, but I walk past. She gets shocked by my reaction. 'Well, you say that but you completely ignored a girl right next to me.'

(Y/n) point of view

I walk into the cafe like Saiki said and looked around. I sat down at a table and went on my phone. A few minutes later Saiki came back. He had a shocked face on. I asked him what happened and he told what happened.

Then he said "Teruhashi said she's now in love with me." Wow.

*time skip*

We left the cafe after I got Saiki his coffee jelly I promised him and went to the store. After that we walked back home.

Even tho our houses are right next to each other, he walked me up to my front porch. I thanked him again and went inside.

"I'm home." I close the door and saw my mother come out from the kitchen. "Hey, thank you for shopping for the food. Did you enjoy your time with Saiki?" "Yea. We went to get his coffee jelly first and then went shopping."

"Did he carry the stuff for you?" "Yea. Why you ask?"My mother ignored the question and put her hand on her checks. "Aww what a gentleman he is." My mother looked at the time after fangirling . "You should go up stairs and study before your father comes back from work."

I went up stairs to study because if not he either use it against me or compare me to other kids. Which every kid can agree it really hurts our feelings. When I enter my room I found some money on my desk with a little note.

It said "thanks for the coffee jelly~ from Saiki kusou." To be honest I hate it when I offer something to someone with my money people but then they pay me back. 'I'll just give it back to him on Monday.'

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