Chapter 4

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Saiki point of view

As soon as we exited out the doors I let go of her wrist. She looked around a little shocked but mainly nervous.

"U-Um S-Saiki, are we allowed to be up here?" She asked getting close to me.

[fyi: If you live in the city with tall buildings well guess what? In this story we're just going to say that your not use to being on top or around tall buildings. So yea.]

'If she's scared of being on top of a two story building then she must of lived in a rural area before.'

"I can tell you use to live in a rural area before coming here." I state to her. She nods and gets a little closer.

"Y-yea. But it's okay. I can get over it." 'I'm not scared of heights but this is making my head spin.'

I grab her arm softly and walk towards the wall to sit and lean against. She sits with me and looks down.

"So people come up here to eat. Strange *giggle* we don't do that where I'm from."

While listening to her I teleport my lunch next to me away from her eye view. She stops and looks dead at my lunchbox.

'Crap. Did she see that?' I stop to listen to her thoughts to see if see did or didn't.

'Did that just appear out of no where? Or did he have it with him the whole time?'

I ignored her thoughts and start eating but saving my coffee jelly for last.

"Hey Saiki. I forgot to ask before we went up here but do you know where the cafeteria is? I still need to get lunch." As if on cue her stomach rumbles.

Instead of going back down and possibly running into Teruhashi again, or anyone else, I give her my food. I had a sandwich cut in half and gave her one and (favorite snack).

"Thanks Saiki. I forgot my lunch at home." She smiled. "But sorry I took your food."

'She's a fragile girl isn't she.' I joke to myself and continue to eat. We both ate in silence and enjoyed the view. Before the bell rings for the end of lunch I quickly eat my coffee jelly.

'Wonder what that is he's eating? Not really use to these different types of food or candy in Japan.'

*time skip to end of school*

(Y/n) point of view

'First day of school is now over. Great.' I complain to myself as I walk out the school building.

Now the main thing I should be complaining about is 'how in the world am I suppose to get home?'

As soon as I walk to the gate I noticed Saiki about to walk pass me. Took me a while weather to ask him or not to help me home. Final answer, no. 'I can just come home late or use being lost as an excuse. Or best choice, don't go home at all.'

The transfer student that knows my secret. |Saiki x reader story|Discontiuned!Where stories live. Discover now