Chapter 2

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In the street, Emma and Rose Red loaded Henry and Grace into the car with Ruby, "Keep them safe, Red," Rose Red said.

"Promise," Ruby said.

David looked at Mary Margaret who was looking at Emma, "Don't push it, Snow," David said as he turned back to his daughter and sister-in-law.

"I'm not..." Mary Margaret said.

Emma and Rose Red walked up to them, "You guys ready?" Emma asked.

Mary Margaret stepped towards Emma, "We need to talk," Mary Margaret said.

"We... Well, I don't... I just... I don't wanna talk," Emma said.

"But I do, okay? Gold can wait. I can't. You're my daughter. And I wanna talk to you," Mary Margaret said.

"Snow now is really not the time," Rose Red said.

"I know that we have talked. But we didn't know that we were talking. And we talked about things we probably shouldn't have even talked about. One-night stands and the like," Mary Margaret continued.

"One-night stands?" David asked as Emma and Rose Red glanced at each other awkwardly before looking back at the couple.

"Whale," Mary Margaret said.

"Whale?" David questioned.

"We were cursed. That is neither here, no there. The point is, we did not know that we were mother and daughter. And now we do. And, so, please, let's talk," Mary Margaret said.

Emma sighed softly, "Okay. Fine. What do you want to talk about?" Emma asked.

"We're together, finally. And I can't help but think you aren't happy about it," Mary Margaret said.

Emma instantly looked guilty, "Oh, I am. But, see, here's the thing. No matter what the circumstances, for 28 years I only knew one thing, that my parents sent me away," Emma said.

"We did that to give you, your best chance," Mary Margaret said.

"You did it for everyone. Because that who you are. Leader, heroes, princes and princesses. And that's great and amazing, and wonderful, but it doesn't change the fact that for my entire life, I've been alone," Emma said.

"But if we hadn't sent you away, you would've been cursed, too," Mary Margaret said.

"But we would've been together. Which curse is worse?" Emma asked.

Rose Red looked up and glanced between them, "Come on. Let's just... Let's go find Gold... Then you three can continue this conversation as there are more important things, right now," Rose Red said and she walked off, Emma quickly caught up to her.

"Is she always like that?" Emma whispered.

"She loves you, Emma... She never got to be a mother, you were born then sent through a portal... She's going to be like this for a while, wanting to get to know you as her real self," Rose Red whispered.

David and Mary Margaret watched after them as they held hands before following after them.

Enchanted Forest...

Mulan, Prince Phillip and Aurora journeyed through the woods on horseback, until Mulan stopped.

"We should camp here tonight. The Wraith only appears when light is absent. That's why it ran when it first appeared. Light is its adversary," Mulan said.

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