Chapter 39

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Regina and Captain Hook exited the elevator into the subterranean level of Storybrooke, "You ever wonder if this constant pursuit for revenge is the reason we have no one who cares for us? I mean, when all this is over, and I know the Crocodile is dead, for good and all, I'll have nothing to look forward to. My life will be empty. Revenge may sate your being. But don't misunderstand me, my dear, it's an end, not a beginning," Captain Hook said.

"For you, maybe. Not me. I have Henry, Rose and I let Rose be separated from Grace. So...Destroying Storybrooke? Well, that seems like a small price to pay to allow us to live in peace," Captain Hook extended his arm to guide Regina further into the depths, she saw that he is wearing a that once belonged to her mother, "Where did you get that? It belonged to my mother," Regina said.

"Yes. Well, she enchanted it so I could climb the beanstalk in our world. She-," Captain Hook began to say.

"I don't care why she gave it to you," She interrupted him, "It's hers and I want it back," Regina said.

"You plan to blow this town off the map and you're worried about a scrap of cowhide?" Captain Hook asked.

"She was my mother," Regina said.

"Well, she was my friend," Captain Hook said.

Regina scoffed as he removed the cuff, "Hardly," She took the cuff from him and put it on, "Now, follow me closely," Regina said and she led him through the depths towards a cave, where the twins had fought Maleficent.

"Precarious. You couldn't have just hidden the trigger in the back of your wardrobe?" Captain Hook said.

"It had to be both well-hidden and well-guarded. I put it somewhere no one would ever think I'd go," Regina said.

"Yeah, when you say well-guarded, who's guarding it?" Captain Hook said as they walked toward the cliff edge.

"A friend. She's been through a lot. There's a powerful spell here that sustains her in whatever form she's in. In fact, Hook, she's the reason why this is a two-man job," Regina said.

"And what exactly am I here to do?" Captain Hook asked as he looked down.

"I'll get the trigger, and you? Well, you're the distraction," Regina said.

"What?" Captain Hook questioned as he looked at her.

Regina pushed Captain Hook down a steep underground cliff into the lair of the trigger's guardian. After falling he landed into this lair and saw that the ashes of the guardian begin to reform. The ashes of the guardian swirl around until the formerly slain dragon is resurrected as an undead creature.

"Maleficent. Love you in earth tones," Captain Hook said.

Maleficent lunged at the pirate captain, and he managed to slash at Maleficent. The injury caused even more deafening screams from Maleficent, but the injury was healed as quickly as Maleficent was resurrected. Captain Hook swung his sword at her again, this time Maleficent flung the pirate captain across her lair, unto the rocky terrain. 

The screams of Maleficent could even be heard up in the higher regions of the subterranean Storybrooke, where Regina was searching for the trigger. She finds the coffin that once held a sleeping Snow White. Regina broke through the glass coffin and found a pouch containing what looks like a small brown diamond, the trigger that was capable of ending Storybrooke.

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