Chapter 24

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Rosie, Rumpelstiltskin and Baelfire were outside making torches using wool.

"Keep that fire food and stoked, Bae. The sheep's fat needs to be liquid and get that would good and soaked," Rosie said.

"Why are we doing this, sister? This is good wool. We can spin and sell..." Baelfire said.

"These are our keys to the castle, brother. And once I'm inside, there's something I have to take," Rosie said.

"What do you need to take?" Baelfire asked.

"That old beggar, he told usa fine tale. About the Duke and his magical dagger," Rosie said.

"What does it do?" Baelfire asked.

"If I own that dagger, I control the Dark One. If I kill the Dark One with the dagger, I take his powers," Rosie said.

"By god's name," Baelfire said.

"Imagine me with those powers. Can you imagine me with those powers, kids? I could get to redeem our father. No longer have to deal with the abuse I get daily from the male soldiers. I could turn it towards good. I'll save all the children of the Frontlands, not just you," Rosie said.

"I'd love to see that, but if the law says I'm to fight, I...I can fight," Baelfire said.

"No, no, no! The law doesn't want you to fight, son. The law wants you to die. That's not battle, that's sacrifice, son. You look at that red in the sky," He pointed to where the sky was red, "That's not the... The fires of the battlefields, that's the blood of our people, kids. It's the blood of children. The blood of children, like you, son. I mean, what sane person would want to get involved with that?" Rumpelstiltskin said.

"He's right, Bae, it's no place for children," Rosie said.

"So, it's true," Baelfire said.

"What?" Rumpelstiltskin said.

"It's true. It's true you ran," Baelfire said.

"I had no choice, son," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"And Mother? Did she leave you like the knight said? You told me she was dead," Baelfire said.

"She is dead," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"So, what do we need to do?" Baelfire asked.

"The Duke's castle is made of stone, but the floors and the rafters are made of wood," Rosie said.

"Why does that matter?" Baelfire asked.

"Because wood burns," Rosie said with a smirk.

End of Flashback

Captain Hook and Giselle looked to see Rose Red walking in, "Rose?" Giselle said.

Rose Red smirked and shut the door, "Please, we all know that's not my known name right now. The man who took my mother from my papa, and the woman who became the new me's, best friend... That right?" Rose Red said.

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