Chapter 43

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At the Storybrooke Mines, Rose Red, Emma and Regina were walking through the mines towards the trigger.

"I can feel it. It's like the oxygen's being sucked out of the air," Emma said.

"Not the oxygen. The magic," Rose Red said.

They turned a corner and see the diamond floating in the air, still glowing blue as the three women approached it, "There it is. Once it stops glowing, its destruction is achieved, and then well, then we'll see the real carnage. I'll try to contain its energy as long as I can," Regina said as she stood behind the diamond.

"It won't be long, we'll have the bean soon, then we can get the hell out of here," Emma said.

"Slowing the device is going to require all the strength I have," Regina said.

"You're not coming with us, are you? When you said goodbye to Henry, you were saying goodbye," Rose Red said.

Regina looked at them tearfully, "He knows I love him, doesn't he?" Regina asked.

"Of course he does, but, Regina, no," Rose Red said.

"Regina, no, there has gotta be another way," Emma said.

"You were right, you know. Everything that's happening it's my fault. I created this device. It's only fitting that it takes my life," Regina said.

"What am I supposed to tell Henry?" Emma asked.

"Tell him that in the end, it wasn't too late for me to do the right thing," Regina said as she smiled sadly.

"Regina, please..." Rose Red said.

"Everyone looks at me as the Evil Queen, including my son. I may die as Regina," Regina said.

"Regina," Rose Red said and stepped forward to try and stop her.

Regina looked at her, "I love you so much, Rose," Regina said and put her hands in front of the diamond and a light of magic connect her to the diamond.

"I love you too... Mom," Rose Red said tearfully and Emma took Rose Red's arm and gently pulled her away.


At Granny's diner, Jefferson, Giselle, Captain Hook and David walked in and saw the entire population of Storybrooke gathered inside.

"We have the bean," David said as Rose Red walked to Jefferson and they hugged each other.

"You did it?" Emma asked.

"Yeah," David said.

Emma noticed an injury on his arm, "You okay?" Emma asked.

"Oh, it's... Grazed. It's fine," David said.

"Okay. Let's get going," She turned around, "Henry?" Emma said.

"Gracie?" Rose Red called out.

Henry and Grace walked up to them, "Wh...Where's my mom?" Henry asked.

"Regina can hold off the self-destruct device long enough for us to escape, but..." Emma said.

"But what?" Grace asked.

"She won't survive," Rose Red said sadly.

"No...No," Henry said sadly.

"Henry, I'm sorry. I promised her I'd get you to safety," Emma said.

"But we can't do this. She's family. We don't leave family behind," Henry said.

"I know, but this is what she wants. We have a way out. We have to take it," Emma said.

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