Chapter 36

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August was in his trailer and he was disturbed by someone knocking on the door, he thought it was Giselle or Mary Margaret coming back to take him back to town.

"I told you two to leave me alone!" August yelled and he opened the door, shocked to see Tamara standing there.

"Hey. Long time," Tamara said.


August and Tamara were inside the trailer, August stood and faced Tamara who was sat down on the couch.

"Not much of a decorator. Then again, I guess a man made of wood doesn't require much," Tamara said.

"You can see me? You believe?" August asked.

"Do you think I would have chased down someone called the Dragon if I didn't?" Tamara asked.

"I don't understand. What are you doing in Storybrooke? How's this even possible?" August asked.

"What I'm doing in Storybrooke doesn't concern you. But I need you to do something. And after what you pulled in Hong Kong, you owe me," Tamara said.

"What could I ever do for you?" August asked.

"Leave. It's a simple request considering what I'm about to offer you," Tamara said.

"No. You're going to explain this. Did you follow me? Are you like me?" August asked.

"Magical? No. I'm quite human. But forget for a second why I'm here and who I am and instead ask yourself the more important question how? My cancer was a death sentence, remember? Yet here I am," Tamara said.

"The Dragon. The liquid in the bottle it worked," August said.

"It cured me, August. And it can cure you, too. I still have some of it left. The bottle's in my apartment in New York. You can go get it. All I ask is that you leave Storybrooke now and never return," Tamara said.

August looked at her hand and saw the engagement right, "Neal. You're the fiancee," Tamara sighed, "Are you and Neal here for the magic? Are you two trying to take the magic from Storybrooke?" August asked.

"Neal has nothing to do with any of this. Okay? He knows as much as you do. Actually, now you know a lot more. So do we have a deal?" Tamara said.

"I can't leave without knowing what you're doing here," August said.

"Sure, you can. And you will. You're the same man I left in a Hong Kong gutter a man willing to do anything to save himself. And that's what I'm offering, August," Tamara held up her car keys, "Salvation," Tamara said.

Elsewhere, at Granny's Bed and Breakfast, Greg walked into his room where he saw Regina looking out of the window.

"You know, I'm all set on towels if that's why you're here. I air dry," Greg said.

"I'm here because I realised why you look so familiar to me," Regina turned to him, "It's because we have met before, haven't we? Owen," She held up the red and green lanyard that Owen gave her when he was a child, "I kept this all these years as a reminder of our time together. You were just a boy when you gave this to me. Now look at you," She reached out and lightly brushed his cheek but he pulled away, "All grown up. No wonder I didn't recognise you," Regina said.

"Yeah, but I...I recognised you because you look exactly the same, Regina. It's as if no time has passed for you," Greg said.

Regina smiled, "Monthly juice cleanse. Does wonders for the skin. You could've come to me, Owen. You could've told me who you were and why you're here," Regina said.

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