Chapter 32

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In the back of the pawnshop, Mr Gold was breathing heavily and a tremor surged through the building and David entered the back, "It's them. Regina and Cora, they're here," David said.

Jefferson, Neal, Giselle, Emma, David and Mary Margaret went through to the front of the shop and they readied themselves to fight them. 

Rose Red looked at Mr Gold, "Papa..." Rose Red said.

"You're not my little girl anymore... Be the woman, Leopold and Eva raised, the Light Queen. You... You can do this. I know you can... Rosie... You are stronger than you know, remember... That," Mr Gold said.

Rose Red walked through to the front of the shop and her family looked at her, she nodded and smiled then the front door soon was blasted open by a fireball that was created by both Cora and Regina and they walked into the shop.

"Regina. Think about what you're doing," Emma said.

"Don't talk to me," Regina said.

Mary Margaret snuck out of the shop as Regina threw a fireball and hurled it at the group, but David deflected it with his sword. Regina threw him out of the door, locking him out.

"David!" David yelled.

Neal lunged at Cora, but she disappeared in a puff of smoke, dropping the dagger on the floor in the process, Regina went to place Emma under a chokehold but she got distracted when Cora reappeared. Emma grabbed a knife from the counter and held Regina with the knife to her throat as Giselle pointed her sword at Regina while Neal and Jefferson pointing their swords at Cora and the dagger was still on the floor, Rose Red looked at the dagger, hesitating to grab it as she saw her name flickering on the blade.

"What's it going to be?" Neal asked.

"Mother!" Regina said.

"Choose wisely," Neal said.

Cora summoned the dagger to her hand, Emma pushed Regina away and Emma and Giselle rushed to Rose Red, "Darkest Dark One," Rose Red froze and looked at Cora, "It worked," Cora said.

"No, no, no. Run!" Rose Red yelled.

"Come on. Fall back to Gold! I have the chalk," Emma said and the four of them fled to the back of the shop, Emma quickly drew a line in the doorway and she created another protective barrier.

"Rose!" Jefferson said.

"Come on, man," Neal said and pulled Jefferson into the back.

Cora got up and she walked over to the barrier, "Darkest Dark One... Help me take out Rumpelstiltskin, and then we'll go back-," Cora began to say but suddenly stopped talking feeling a minor pain and was a bit disorientated as Rose Red walked to the barrier.

"Mother, what is it?" Regina asked.

"My... My heart. It's with my things in your vault. Someone's there," Cora said.

"Mother?" Regina said in worry.

"Go. Go!" Regina ran out of the shop and Cora stood in front of the barrier and began to attempt to break the barrier, "Really, Rumpel. Hiding's beneath you. Start breaking it down," Cora said.

Rose Red used her light magic and blasted a jet of red magic at the barrier, "You think you've won. You haven't. You will lose," Rose Red said.

Cora chuckled, "Says my puppet. I'll kill you in front of your father and take your powers," Cora said.

Outside the pawnshop, David came to, he stood up and called Emma who was in the backroom with Jefferson, Neal, Giselle and Mr Gold.

"David?" Emma said.

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