▒81▒ 🔸 Blue Bird and Green Grasshopper - 1 🔸

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Dark clouds covered the sun and the red sky darkened to gray.. Waves of chilly wind blew by..

A little girl was walking aimlessly in the middle of the Royal Maze Garden..

She has been walking for almost an hour but still couldn't find the exit..

She became really tired and scared by every passing time..

Suddenly a sound of some one walking in a distance could be heard..

That little girl became really scared and hid behind the bushes..

However, the sound of footsteps could be heard getting closer and closer to her..

Until it stopped..

"Why are you curled up in a ball?"

Someone spoke..

Hearing the voice, that girl slowly looked up to see that person..

A boy, bit older than the girl was standing infront of her..

The boy was about two heads taller than her..

He wore a loose white shirt with dark blue pants..

With his posture and his graceful way of talking, it is clear that he is a high class noble..

So, the girl silently studied him..

She watched as the wind ruffled his black hair.. The flowers from the cherry blossom tree created small shadows on his face and one by one, the petals landed on his silky hair
and his long eyelashes gently fluttered..

'His eyes ~'

She looked at him with an awe face..

"Umm, Anisha?
Are you alright??"

That little boy spoke..

You know my name??"

Anisha looked at him with a surprised face..


He simply nodded..



"I mean how?? I've never told you!!"

"I just know it."

"But, I don't know your name!!!"


"Don't 'oh' me! Tell me your name!!"

"It's Harllod."

He finally introduced himself..

"Oh! I know I know!!!"

Anisha start to jump..


Harllod just stared at her confusely not knowing what to do or say..

"What? Ask me what I know!!"

🌙 The Villainess Will Walk Away 🌙Where stories live. Discover now