▒105▒ 🔸 Shadows of the Past - 12 🔸

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As Lucas urgently gestured for Harold to join him in that room, Harold moved quickly and steadily toward the room where Lucas stood. As he entered the room, Harold's body, too, froze in response to whatever they had found.

The room was bathed in an unexpected, bright light as Lucas stepped inside before. The ancient temple's torches had ignited spontaneously, revealing the scene in vivid detail.

As Harold and Lucas entered further, their footsteps echoed ominously. A pungent odor hung heavily in the air, almost suffocating. They hesitated, their eyes drawn to the horrifying sight before them.

In the harsh, unexpected light, the horrifying scene was revealed. A person's lifeless body dangled from the ceiling, swaying ever so slightly, suspended in an upside-down position. The victim's legs were securely bound with a metal chain, leaving their head and hands dangling downward.

The source of the foul smell became apparent, and Lucas was certain that it emanated from this grisly scene. A sense of dread enveloped them as they stood frozen, grappling with the shocking sight that had unraveled before their eyes.

The horrifying scene deepened as Harold and Lucas observed the body swaying gently from the ceiling. It was utterly covered in blood, making the sight nightmarish. Below, a large glass bowl had been positioned to capture the gruesome drops of blood that fell from that person's body.

The gruesome discovery left both Harold and Lucas in shock.

"Brother Eric?"
Harold's voice wavered as he whispered the name, his heart sinking.

Lucas, not having met Eric before, was equally appalled by the sight. He took in the scene, noticing how Eric's once-lavender hair now resembled dark magenta due to the blood. He couldn't contain his horror.

"How could anyone do this?"
Lucas mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.

Harold remained silent, his gaze fixed on the lifeless body, his brows furrowed in deep thought. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air.

The pungent smell that hung heavily in the underground chamber was ominous, like a shadowy presence in the air. After a great thought, Lucas recognized the pungent smell emanating from Eric's body; it was definitely the scent of poison.

Lucas couldn't shake the thought,

'Are these masked people somehow using Eric's body to manifest a deadly poison?'

Breaking his thoughts he suddenly looked at Harold. With a sudden urgency, Lucas acted, swiftly grabbing Harold's arm as he saw Harold inched closer to Eric's lifeless form. Lucas's eyes were wide with terror as he motioned for Harold to stay back.

"He's filled with poison now..." Lucas warned, his voice trembling.

"What?"Harold stared at Lucas, his eyes filled with shock in disbelief. He whispered,"How did you know?"

In response, Lucas explained that he had once dated a girl who was studying poisons. She had shown him various vile substances, but there was one that stood out. She had explained that certain scholars were researching an ancient poison, named Creeper, an abominable concoction believed to be the deadliest of all. The most disturbing detail was that this poison only manifested from a deceased body.

Silence descended upon them, an unsettling feeling gnawing at their minds. The underground chamber felt like a crypt of dread, and both men stood there, their thoughts veering into a chilling abyss of possibilities.

In the eerie silence of the chamber, the faintest whisper of dread clung to the air. Harold's heart pounded the taste of fear sharp on his tongue. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to uncover. His footsteps echoed in the dim chamber as he cautiously moved toward a stack of dusty boxes in the corner.

The scent of ancient stone mingled with the sharp tang of blood, making the air heavy. Lucas, his eyes wide with apprehension, watched Harold's every move.

With a hesitant breath, Harold pushed the boxes aside, revealing another lifeless body sprawled on the ground. The dim light flickered above, casting ominous shadows over the scene. The blood had pooled around this second victim, his features distorted by the violence of his demise..

Lucas and Harold exchanged a look, their thoughts unspoken but tangled in a web of dread.

Lucas crouched down to get a closer look at the lifeless figure. The man's features were brutally distorted by the violence that had brought him here, rendering him nearly unrecognizable. Blood had painted a gruesome portrait, hiding his identity beneath a dark mask of crimson.

As Lucas sifted through the gore-covered clothing, his fingers brushed against something metallic. He carefully extracted the object, and disbelief washed over him as he examined it. His eyes widened in shock.

In his hand, Lucas held a cufflink, an intricate and ornate piece of jewelry. It seemed out of place in this macabre scene. What truly struck him was the insignia on the cufflink – a family emblem so unmistakable that it sent shivers down his spine.

It belonged to Marquis Bellacian's house...

The implications of this sinister discovery weighed heavily on Lucas. He shared a significant, silent glance with Harold, and their unspoken thoughts told a chilling tale of the depths they had unwittingly plunged into.

Their shock was palpable as Lucas examined the cufflink. He was the first to voice his disbelief. "He... that means he is,"   Lucas was too shocked to finish the sentence.

"Marquis Hansel Bellacian,"   Harold mumbled as he gazed upon the brutally disfigured face of the lifeless man.

Both of them stood in a macabre tableau of disbelief and growing horror. The events of the day had unfolded into a nightmare neither could have anticipated.

Lucas, frustration mounting, finally voiced the question in both of their minds,

  "What the hell is happening in this empire?"

"He wasn't good with swords. He always joked about how this lack of strength will be the end of him.."
Harold had a blank stare on his face..
"I'll kill them, I'll kill them all...." 

Harold muttered with a fiery determination that was impossible to ignore.

Before Lucas could react or offer any counsel, a voice emerged from behind them, shattering the eerie silence. 

"Who are you going to kill?"

The voice held a tone of curiosity that sent a chill down their spines, and neither of them was prepared for what came next..


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