▒20▒ 🔹 Another Letter 🔹

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The next morning, Anisha and her father is having their breakfast..

Her father's face doesn't look good..He got a thick dark circle around his eyes..
Maybe he was worrying about what Anisha told him yesterday and couldn't sleep properly..

Both are eating quietly..The atmosphere feels heavy..
Anisha is eating blankly and worrying about something, while her father is worrying about her..

Suddenly the butler came running..........Holding a letter..

A sigh escape from Anisha's mouth..

'Finally, it's time'

Anisha thought...


"My lord!!! A letter!! Theres a letter!! A letter..... from..... Huff! Huff!!"

The Butler is out of breath after running.. Holding a letter..

"Don't you see it, I'm having breakfast now?"

Marquess Verita said being a little annoyed..

"...but it's an important letter!!!"

"Set aside.. I'll read it later.."

"But master-"

"Wasn't I clear enough??"

He shoot an angry glare at the Butler..

Anisha who was silent for a long time finally spoke...



Her father's expression changed in no time...His expression relaxed a little..

"Ummm...you should look at it..."

"Uh? But I'm-"

"Dad...It's an important letter..."

"Yes master... Because it is from...."

"From who??"

"His.....his majesty the empror..."

"Huh? Why would he....."

Anisha's father's expression hardened again...He took the letter from the butler's hand..

While the Butler said in a low tone -

"The letter has the emperor's personal seal..not the Royal seal..That means he sent it personally..."

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