▒107▒ 🔸 Shadows of the Past - 14 🔸

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Harold lay on the ground, his body numb and unresponsive. He could only stare with a blurry vision. His gaze fixed on the masked figure, the very one who had first addressed them before the battle.Despite his blurry vision, Harold was determined to remember that mask, to etch it into his memory.

Lucas rushed to Harold's paralyzed body, sword drawn, and pointed it toward the masked individual.The masked person laughed looking at Lucas and taunted him.."Heh, do you really think you can get out of here alive?"

"Well, Let's see.." Lucas replied.

The masked person and Lucas had a short scuffle. The masked one turned out to be quite strong, which caught Lucas off guard. What was even more surprising was that this person had a bit of magic up their sleeve. In Beatrice, finding folks who can do magic is as rare as finding a needle in a haystack.Lucas, with an irritated face, muttered, "Magic here? Seriously?"

The masked person's magic wasn't super fancy. He could only make his poisonous needle fly around using his magic, trying to hit Lucas with it. For Lucas, it was like dealing with a magical twist in a regular brawl.

As Lucas battled the masked foe, he stole glances at Harold, who lay immobilized but wide-eyed. Despite his inability to move, Harold remained conscious. His blurred vision tracked every move in the duel between Lucas and the enigmatic figure.

In the midst of their wearied battle, Lucas caught a distant sound. Straining his ears, he found the echoing approach of several armed individuals. The clinking of iron suggested a group of knights nearing the temple.Amid the fight, Lucas's gaze darted to the large window beside the still-paralyzed Harold. When Lucas peeked he witnessed a cohort of royal knights entering the temple, accompanied by the other masked assailants through the secret door behind the temple (the same door that Harold and Lucas used). At that moment, Lucas's realization struck like a lightning bolt..It was a trap!!

The missing masked figures had likely gone to inform the knights, orchestrating this elaborate scheme.But the thing is, how did they inform and get in touch with the royal knights that soon? And more than that, how did the royal knights come here this soon?? Lucas was worried and confused.The odds had shifted dramatically, and Lucas now faced not only the mysterious masked assailant but an incoming battalion of royal knights.

As the situation unfolded, Lucas knew they were in deep trouble. He faced not only the masked assailant but also a group of royal knights, and Harold remained paralyzed. The trap had tightened its grip, leaving Lucas to ponder how the knights had been alerted so quickly. Faced with overwhelming odds, Lucas braced himself for the challenging escape that lay ahead.As Lucas faced the masked assailant and the approaching battalion of royal knights, he knew time was of the essence. Sweating and breathing heavily, he considered his options.

With a snap decision, Lucas prioritized protecting Harold. With the knights nearing, he momentarily made the masked assailant blurry. In the meantime, he grabbed Harold and guided him to the window's edge. In a fleeting moment, Lucas embraced Harold, which made the semi-conscious Harold sure of what Lucas was about to do. Softly, Lucas said,

"Sorry, bro and.....take care."
and gently pushed him through the window.All Lucas could see were Harold's puzzled eyes, and all Harold could perceive were Lucas's kind eyes, accompanied by a satisfying smile. The whole sequence unfolded in the blink of an eye, filled with a mix of confusion, care, and urgency.

Looking at that, with a mocking tone, the masked guy sneered,

"Even if you do that, he will die eventually. The poisons have already spread all over his body."

Lucas just smiled and replied, "Yeah, if you say so."

With anger, the masked guy charged Lucas again.As the masked guy lunged at Lucas, he swiftly sidestepped, leaving the masked guy off balance. Seizing the opportunity, Lucas deftly disarmed him and quipped,
"Looks like your poison isn't the only thing losing its edge."

The masked guy scowled, realizing he had underestimated Lucas.In the midst of their fight, the royal knights entered and made them stop. Both of them halted and turned to face the approaching knights. However, in a sudden move, Lucas's sword slashed the neck of the masked guy, surprising everyone present.

"Did you think I was gonna stop?"

Lucas said, wiping the blood from his face, with a bright smile.

"This one for poisoning my brother.. "
he mumbled with a smile..


A/N : Hey guys!! 

I hope you've been doing well! My apologies for the unexpected hiatus these past few weeks. Life got a little hectic, but I'm thrilled to be back and ready to dive back into our story together. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Let's pick up where we left off and make some magic happen! 😊

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