▒104▒ 🔸 Shadows of the Past - 11 🔸

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The moon was low in the night sky, making everything look silvery. Harold and Lucas walked carefully towards the old Temple ruins. Their footsteps were quiet on the leaves and soft ground. The air felt cool, and it smelled like wet dirt and moss.

As they got closer to the Temple, they heard little noises from animals in the forest. An owl hooted somewhere far away, and the sound echoed in the quiet night. Fireflies lit up, like tiny moving stars around them.

The Temple ruins looked really old, like they'd been there for ages. Plants had grown over the old stones, like they were trying to hide them. Vines and ivy climbed up the walls, showing how nature was taking back what humans had built long ago.

Harold and Lucas moved quietly, like they were part of the darkness. They kept their eyes open for any signs of danger. The world around them felt still and quiet as they went deeper into the unknown, knowing that their mission was very important.

In the dimly lit ruins of the ancient temple, Harold's sharp eyes caught something unusual – A hidden path concealed behind a tangle of overgrown bushes.

He gestured to Lucas, who moved beside him with a silent nod. Together, they carefully pushed the tangled foliage aside, revealing a concealed door that blended seamlessly with the ancient stone surroundings.

The faint, bluish glow from their mana stones lit their way as they descended the worn stone stairs, seemingly endless in their descent. The air grew cooler and more humid, wrapping around them like a clammy shroud. It smelled of dampness, earth, and the distant scent of something musty and ancient.

After what felt like an eternity of walking down those winding stairs, they suddenly heard hushed voices. Harold and Lucas exchanged a quick glance, their expressions tightening with caution. They halted and listened intently, their mana stones providing just enough light to cast eerie shadows on the underground walls.

The voices grew clearer as they cautiously continued down the dimly lit corridor. It was a conversation, but they couldn't make out the words yet. The acoustics in this underground passage distorted the voices, making them echo and blend together in an eerie symphony.

Their footsteps became slower and more deliberate, each one placed with utmost care to avoid any telltale creak or echo. The only sounds were the soft shuffle of their boots and the distant, echoing whispers that beckoned them forward.

As they inched closer to the source of the voices, the anticipation in their hearts quickened. What secrets lay hidden beneath this ancient temple? Who were these people conversing in the darkness?

The sensation of discovery hung thick in the air as they ventured further into the depths of the temple, their mana stones flickering with each step, lighting the way into the unknown.

Harold and Lucas, their senses on high alert, continued their descent into the underground labyrinth of the ancient temple. The hushed voices had grown clearer, allowing them to discern snippets of the conversation ahead. The words were still faint, but they were enough to pique their curiosity.

Harold signaled Lucas to be quiet, and they moved carefully, trying to stay hidden. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, they saw a dimly lit underground chamber. Several people were gathered around a table, their faces masked by shadows.

One voice said,
"This plan of ours is going perfectly. The temple will soon be in our control."

Another voice chimed in,
"And with the Holy Saint on our side, we have the Emperor's ear. The empire will be ours to command."

Harold and Lucas exchanged a cautious glance, their expressions a mix of concern and determination. They knew they had to find out more about these people's intentions.

Lucas leaned over to Harold and whispered,
"I have a bad feeling about this.."

Harold nodded, and they continued to eavesdrop on the conversation, trying to gather as much information as possible while keeping their presence hidden.

In the dimly lit underground chamber, Harold and Lucas observed the gathering and tried to figure out what was going on.

There were approximately 13 of them, each wearing enigmatic Owl masks. These masks concealed their eyes and noses, leaving only their mouths visible. The owl masks had intricate designs, almost lifelike in their detail, but they held an unsettling quality in the dim light of the chamber.

The owl masks were symbolic, but their true meaning remained a mystery. Harold and Lucas couldn't help but wonder about the significance behind these peculiar masks and what they represented to the individuals gathered here.

While silently observing the mysterious gathering, Harold and Lucas couldn't ignore a peculiar scent wafting up from the underground depths. Their attention remained fixed on the secretive conversation, allowing the scent to linger in the background.

However, Lucas possessed a sensitive nose, and the unusual odor increasingly bothered him. His curiosity got the best of him, leading him to discover a dimly lit room tucked away at the end of the staircase. It became apparent that the strange smell emanated from that direction. Lucas gestured for Harold to stay put while he ventured softly towards the enigmatic room.

As Lucas cautiously entered the room, a sudden burst of light illuminated the surroundings. The ancient temple's fire torches spontaneously ignited the moment he stepped in, casting a warm and eerie glow across the chamber. This unexpected occurrence caused Lucas to freeze in his tracks, his heart pounding with surprise and uncertainty.

Harold couldn't believe his eyes, and he shook with fear as the torches in the room suddenly flared to life. Fortunately, the meeting room and the room Lucas had entered were back-to-back, hidden from the view of the masked individuals, who remained oblivious to the strange occurrence.

Harold urgently signaled for Lucas to exit the room, hoping that once he left, the lights might extinguish. However, Lucas was too stunned to respond initially, his eyes locked on something inside the room he had entered.

Then, with a heavy, pale face, Lucas urgently gestured for Harold to join him in that room.

Understanding the urgency, Harold moved quickly and steadily toward the room where Lucas stood. As he entered the room, Harold's body, too, froze in response to whatever they had found.


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