▒112▒ 🔸 Shadows of the Past - 19 🔸

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[Late Afternoon, Empress's Palace]

Anisha had been confined within the boundaries of her palace for what felt like an eternity. Since her house arrest, she had been cut off from the outside world, isolated from any news or information about the ongoing events in the kingdom.
The palace, once her sanctuary, now felt like a golden cage, trapping her in a world devoid of truth and connection.

On this particular day, Anisha decided to take a stroll in the Empress Palace garden, seeking solace in the beauty of nature. Her destination is The Life Tree, only there she can find peace..

As she wandered through the meticulously manicured pathways, the vibrant colors of blooming flowers caught her eye, their fragrant scent filling the air. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the ancient trees, creating a soothing melody. The sun cast a warm, golden glow on the manicured lawns, and birds sang melodiously in the trees. But despite the beauty around her, Anisha's heart was heavy with worry and loneliness.

As she walked, lost in thought, she overheard the hushed voices of two new maids conversing by a secluded corner of the garden.

"Did you hear about the trial today?"
One of the maids whispered excitedly.

"Yes, I did!"
the other replied, leaning closer.
"It's shocking! They proved that Lord Izana Bellacian was the mastermind behind the rebellion plot!"

Anisha's ears perked up at the mention of Izana's name. She hid behind a tall hedge, listening intently.

"I know, right?"
The first maid continued.
"Lord Izana and Sir Lucas were planning a rebellion against the Crown Prince. And because the temple and Marquis Bellacian stopped them, they killed the Marquis and blamed it on the Temple!"

The second maid gasped,
"And what about Young Master Eric? Why did they kill him?"

The first maid shook her head sadly,
"They killed Young Master Eric because he was the heir to the Bellacian family. For rebelling against the Royal family, the rebels needed money and manpower. What would a second son like Lord Izana have? He needed more power. That's why, they killed Young Master Eric, so that the Lord Izana could easily become the heir of the Bellacian house."

Anisha's heart pounded in her chest as she processed the shocking information.

The first maid went on,
"Many of his family servants testified against him, saying he used to send letters to the borders. He was always in his studies planning something, and he wouldn't let anyone inside it. He met a lot of foreign people regularly. And more than that, we all know how he travels a lot, so it is said that he sends information about this Empire to the other empires! He has committed treason!"

Anisha felt her legs go weak, and she leaned against the hedge for support.

And then the final blow was revealed. Anisha wasn't ready for that..

The second maid exclaimed in wonder,
"Oh, so that's why they got a Death sentence from the Crown Prince!"

"Yes, and their execution is tomorrow morning."
The first maid whispered with a grave tone.

Hearing those chilling words, Anisha felt as if the ground had been pulled from beneath her feet. A suffocating wave of shock washed over her, making it hard for her to breathe. The world around her seemed to blur, and for a moment, everything went silent except for the pounding of her own heart.

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