▒95▒ 🔸 Shadows of the Past - 2 🔸

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In the quiet sanctuary of the royal library, Anisha's brow furrowed in concentration as she sat surrounded by a pile of books. She had taken on the challenge of uncovering that person's name, but her efforts had proven fruitless so far. All she could sum up was, that he is a noble, and definitely not lower than a Count. Because he entered the Royal Library without any problem, maybe a Marquis or higher? Or could he be from another Empire as he seemed very knowledgeable in other Empires as if he had been there for a long time. Determined and a touch frustration, she closed her current book and sighed softly.

After Anisha's coming-of-age ceremony, she soon became the Crown Prince's fiancée and had to take strict classes to become the future empress. Because of that, she couldn't go much into the gatherings or tea parties. Thus she has no friends. She does not bond with other ladies her age, let alone any man. Her only friend, Rose Purineus, has also gone to the Athana Empire, as she got engaged to the Duke heir there. So, now Anisha has no connection to the outside world. She felt really clueless.

As if on cue, a soft rustling reached her ears, and a presence seemed to approach. Anisha glanced up to find that person settling into a seat across from her, a twinkle in his eyes.

"Ah, still on the hunt, I see ~"
He remarked, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

Anisha smiled, a mix of determination and playfulness in her gaze.
"Indeed, I've taken on quite the challenge, haven't I?"

His lips curved into a knowing smile.
"And how's the search going?"

Anisha's shoulders gave a slight shrug, a curious glint in her eyes.

"Well, It's not that I'm totally clueless. I'm just not sure about the name I'm thinking about. Let's just say, I'm still on the search."

He chuckled softly, leaning in slightly as if sharing a secret.

"Well, perhaps a riddle will shed some light on this enigma."

Anisha's curiosity was piqued, and she leaned in as well, eager to hear his riddle..

He smiled charmingly and started his riddle,

"In letters few, a secret lies,

Genius mind, heart that flies.

A rose of yellow, bright and fine,

Can you guess the name, in rhyme?

An author of tales, a journey's log,

Can you reveal the name, hidden like a fog?"


In the heart of the royal library, the riddle's words lingered like a whispered secret, capturing Anisha's imagination. She sat amidst the shelves, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts, connecting the dots of the puzzle. Thought of a person came to the edge of her consciousness..

As she pondered, his chuckle cut through her reverie. She looked up to find him leaning against a bookshelf, his gaze holding a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

Anisha's lips curved into a half-smile, her eyes reflecting the inner workings of her mind.

"I think I have an idea, but it's still a bit hazy."

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