▒101▒ 🔸 Shadows of the Past - 8 🔸

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[At the Imperial Palace]

On that morning, as the golden rays of the sun began to filter through the curtains of Anisha's room, there was a soft knock at her door. Anisha, who had been sitting by the window, lost in thought, turned her gaze to the entrance.

Leah entered and told her that Izana had come to visit. Hearing that, a tired yet soft smile escaped from Anisha's mouth as she nodded in affirmation.

The moment the door creaked open, a familiar face emerged. Izana, his eyes reflecting warmth, entered the room with a soft smile that mirrored Anisha's. He was dressed in the traditional attire of the Marquis Bellacian estate, a testament to the responsibilities he had recently assumed.

In the hushed chambers of the Empress Palace, Anisha and Izana finally found a moment to meet after what felt like an eternity. These days, Izana had taken on the responsibilities of overseeing the Bellacian estate, a role he never expected to bear...

The soft scent of night-blooming flowers wafted in from the gardens below, and the room was bathed in the delicate glow of the morning sun. As they exchanged greetings, a shared sense of reassurance filled the space. It was in these stolen moments that they could find solace amid the complexities of their lives.

But their reunion came with an air of caution. Izana knew that they might be under surveillance, and he had reason to believe the spies were from the temple. He leaned in closer to Anisha, his voice a mere whisper, as he revealed his concerns about their conversations being monitored.


He began softly,

"I'm afraid there are eyes and ears everywhere, especially in the noble houses. Spies, I believe, were sent by the temple. They might be watching us closely."

Anisha's eyes widened with worry. She had been staying within the palace walls as Edger ordered her to, but the thought of being watched so closely sent shivers down her spine.

Izana continued,

"I've taken some precautions. I'd advise you not to bring in any new maids beside you, and please, warn Leah about this as well. We need to lay low for now, at least until we can uncover more about what's happening."

Anisha nodded, her concern deepening. She felt a growing unease for Izana. He was burdened with responsibilities and threats, and there was nothing she could do to help him.

"Izana, please be careful..."
She implored, her eyes reflecting her genuine concern.

Izana placed a reassuring hand on Anisha's head while petting her, he gave her a faint, yet sincere smile.

"I will be..."

He promised, his voice filled with determination.

"And we'll find a way to uncover the truth behind all of this."

As they continued their conversation in the shadows of the palace, the weight of their circumstances hung heavily in the air and Anisha's concern extended to Harold. She couldn't help but wonder how he was faring in his relentless search for the missing Marquis Bellacian and his son, Eric Bellacian.
She turned to Izana, her voice hushed,

"How's Harold doing, Izana?"

But before he could respond, a rustling sound near the door caught their attention. Anisha instinctively tensed, but Izana quickly hushed her, motioning for silence. They shared a moment of uncertainty, listening intently.

"It might be Leah."
Anisha whispered, attempting to ease the tension.

Izana nodded, his sharp senses focused on the intruder. But as they waited in silence, he took the opportunity to confide in Anisha. His voice was a barely audible whisper, laced with concern.

"You know, because of the spies, Hal and I have stopped sending letters to each other. I don't have any news from him."

Anisha's eyes mirrored her worry. The complex web of secrets and espionage had forced them into silence, keeping even the closest of friends apart.

Their short meeting ended abruptly when Izana decided it was best to leave. He bid farewell to Anisha with a promise to meet again soon and urged her to remain cautious in these uncertain times. With that, he quietly slipped out of the Empress Palace, leaving Anisha alone with her thoughts in the shadowy corridors...

[Same day, in the afternoon]

Izana, after leaving the Empress Palace, made his way to the concealed corner of the imperial complex, a shadowy space hidden behind the dark and gloomy hallways. The scent of blooming flowers and the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze filled the air. The soft light filtered through the dense foliage, casting a pale glow upon the hidden figure he was there to meet.

As he approached, the sound of his footsteps on the cobblestone pathways was muffled by the thick carpet of fallen leaves. The person waiting for him was cloaked in darkness, their features hidden.

Izana didn't waste any time. He began recounting his conversation with Anisha, sharing every detail in hushed tones. The night seemed to hold its breath as he spoke, punctuated only by the occasional whisper of the wind through the trees.

The person listened in silence, absorbing the information carefully. Once Izana had shared all he knew, there was a long pause. The leaves rustled softly, adding to the suspense hanging in the air.


A/N : Hey guys ~How are you?First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt apologies for the delayed update.Over the past few weeks, I encountered some unexpected technical issues with the Wattpad mobile app. It was a perplexing situation where I couldn't write or read any stories on the app, as every attempt to access it resulted in a prompt return to the home page. I was very frustrated by this!However, thanks to a stroke of luck and a bit of exploration, I discovered that the web version of Wattpad on my PC was functioning perfectly. That revelation brought a sigh of relief, and now I'm thrilled to be back, ready to share a fresh new chapter with all of you.Your understanding and continued support mean the world to me. I appreciate your dedication to the story and your patience during this unexpected setback.So, without further delay, I present to you the latest chapter of our journey. I sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed crafting it for you.Happy reading! 💛

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