▒85▒ 🔹 Silence and Sound - 2 🔹

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Shen silently followed me to the Greenhouse.. Haha..He is a good person..

As a crown prince, my workload was far too excessive..

Therefore, to lessen my burdens and for the customs as well, my father asked me to choose an aide to help me with the job..

Among the candidates that HE gave to me, I selected Shen..

Since then, from the age of 8 and till now we've always been together..

Shen Dalian..
Baron Dalian's second son with a promising wit and intelligence..
Curly brown hair and brown eyes.. Most of the times wears glasses that were chained to his neck..
Doesn't like to talk when it's time to work..
Has a neat appearance..
Nags a lot..
Has a crush on a random maid that I don't know about..

A good thing about him was that he was fast at doing his job and was quick to notice his mistakes..
I also like the fact that he, unlike the knights, had never complained about the workload..

"If you have any concerns, I will help you solve them!"

That's what he always says..

I think after my mother died, he is the only person who truly cared for me..

Evan was still a child back then and father totally stopped associating himself with us.. Marchioness Verita, who was mother's only close friend, also stopped coming here.. Well it was a good thing that she didn't come here anymore, cuz I'll never forgive that woman..
Well taking that chance, the officials started to approach me and Evan with ill intentions.. Evan was so disturbed by all this that he stopped coming out of his room and didn't allow me or my father to visit him.. Well now that I think about it, those things were too much for a young child like him..

As I was walking toward the greenhouse, Evan's magic tower can be seen from here.. It was at the back of the palace where the Imperial Palace Lake was situated.. It wasn't very far from the greenhouse..

Evan..my brother..
As a kid, he used to follow me everywhere..and now...he doesn't even want to be near me..

What changed??
I don't know..
I haven't seen him for a long time.. I want to meet him but I don't want to disturb him..

He celebrated his birthday only with his close friends.. He didn't even say anything to me.. Well, I'm not saying anything about it, as long as he is happy..I'll do anything for him..even if it is to disappear from his sight.. I want him to be happy..

With that thought, I tried so hard while building this magic tower.. I had to search for all high-quality goods for making this..
I knew he wouldn't accept it if he found out that it was a gift from me.. That's why I asked father to tell him that it was from him..
I'm just happy that he liked it..
That's what I wanted..

With so much thoughts in my head, I finally reached the greenhouse.. Just before entering the greenhouse I heard a familiar laughter.. As I looked at the side I saw Evan and his friends were chit chatting happily beside the lake.. Seems like he again made some magic items and now he is showing it off to his friends..
They looked very happy, talking with each other..
That scene looked completely different from mine.. I'm all by myself.. It's miserable.. I'm tired and lonely..

Egar's painful look while looking at the lake side, didn't escape from Shen.. His eyebrows knitted unconsciously but he soon erased it..

"Do you want to go there?"
Shen asked..

Egar looked at him in confusion..

"That side.."
Shen pointed to the lake side..

"Uh, no..not really.. I'm not welcome in there.. I don't wanna spoil their mood.."

Egar put on a sad smile and silently went inside the green house.. While Shen took a minute to observe the lake side before joining the Prince..

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A\N : Well season 1 was all about how anisha got over her fear and strengthened her relationships.. How she slowly changed her life and her view point..
How her relationships with her father and her surroundings changed..
How she made friends and allies..

So now in season 2, we will go deeper into her story.. We will focus mostly about the mysterious past that she left behind.. We will know more about the puzzle pieces..

So hang in there you guys.. And keep reading ~

And don't forget to vote ~ 🌼

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