▒3▒ 🔸 Father 🔸

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Why is it so bright? I can also hear birds chirping..

Didn't I..........die....?

Yeah..I remember that I bit my tongue to death in front of everyone.. And I felt heavy pain and dizziness.. And slowly fall into sleep or died I guess.. (︶︿︶)

So am I in heaven now..?

Without opening my eyes I kept thinking of different things..

Should I open my eyes and see how the heaven looks like?

No, I'm scared..what if I'm in hell..?
Ow no!!

Didn't I just hear the birds chirping? And I feel comfy somehow..
I don't think hell would give me those special treatments..

So maybe I'm in heaven!!!

Then, can meet my parents here?!


As I opened my eyes I couldn't see anything...

"So bright"

Slowly my eyes are clear and I'm getting a clear view...


What's wrong with heaven?

Knock knock knock!!

"Young miss! Did you wake up? "

A maid said from outside..


"Yes miss, it's me.. As you woke up, then I'm coming in.. "

Said the maid as she opened the door..

Leah entered, concern etched across her face as she saw my tear-streaked eyes. I couldn't contain my emotions, and I rushed toward her..

"Ahhh..Leah, it's really you!!!"

I jumped down from the bed, ran to Leah, and hugged her tightly..

"Ahh! Young miss!! What happened? Are you all right? Did you have a bad dream?"

Leah asked a bunch of questions not knowing what to do..

"I knew it!! I knew that you would go to heaven.. Because you were such a good person..I missed you, Leah!!
I thought I wouldn't see you ever again..sob sob"

"Young miss what are you talking about? "

Leah, perplexed, did her best to comprehend my words and reassure me, but it was evident she was puzzled by my unexpected reaction..

"Hahaa..I never thought god would give me a place similar to my home..everything is possible in heaven, isn't it? "

What's wrong with me..I'm crying and laughing at the same time..!!

"Young miss, now you are scaring me! "


I looked at Leah.. She looks concerned about me..ahhh..I really missed her..

"Oh!! Leah, where are my parents? Father and mother? I haven't seen them for so long..I missed Mother so much and......ah...father...I also have to......have to apologize to him.......I really let him down "

With that thought, again hot tears are falling from my eyes..those are not happy tears like before.. Those are from guilt...my guilt!!

Without waiting for Leah's response, I sprinted out of the room, frantically searching for my father.

"Ahh!! Young miss!! Where are you going? Slow down!! "

Leah is shouting from behind..

Running through the corridor I saw many of our servants..woah!! I'm glad you guys are also in heaven.. I'm sorry you guys..
I'll apologize to you guys as well..

But now is not the time..I need to find my father and apologize to seek his forgiveness and tell him how truly sorry I was. I pushed myself, racing toward the one person I needed most..

Father....Where are you....father.....I'm sorry Father..... I need to tell you......I'm sorry..because of me......because..... it's all my fault.... Sorry....father.....father!!

I'm running and crying looking for my father...

Leah is still running behind me and saying something..but I can't hear it.. Some of the other servants are also running towards me..ahhhhh...those people..

They still love me after what I did to them..

When I ran out of the mansion I can outline Father far away..he is getting on the carriage..

Oh, no father.... Don't go!! I still haven't apologized...I still haven't..I..........still....father.....sob sob..

My heart raced as I desperately ran.. There were words left unsaid, apologies left hanging in the air.. The weight of those unspoken sentiments pressed heavily on my chest..

I want to shout..I want to stop Father..I don't want him to go.....but my voice isn't coming..
Just like in the past....
Father don't go...dad.....I'm scared...


The cry erupted from deep within me, fueled by the last reserves of my energy.. It was a raw, desperate scream of a child, a culmination of emotions too strong to be contained..

I'm at my limit..I'm dizzy!! Oh no, I'm falling.. No! I still have to stop him!!

"Anisha!!! "


I said and hugged him while crying..

Seems like he heard me..and when I was falling he ran and caught me..
You have always saved me, Father... Always...

He held me close, a silent pillar of support.. No questions were asked, and no explanations were demanded.. He understood, as he always did.. With tears flowing freely, I let myself break down, releasing the pent-up feelings that had been consuming me.. As I couldn't say anything I kept crying.. Crying until I no longer can..

The warmth..that safe feeling..I don't want to let go of these things....let me stay like this...Please god...let me stay this way...


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