▒116▒ 🔹 Fragrant Dreams 🔹

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"Don't cry anymore, my child...wake up now..."

She tried to focus on that voice, fighting against the pull of unconsciousness..

As she concentrated, her senses sharpened, and finally, she managed to open her eyes.

A bright light welcomed her as she opened her eyes, making her blink a few times to adjust her eyesight. The familiar surroundings of her room in the Verita mansion slowly came into focus. The soft scent of lavender from her room filled her nostrils, calming her racing heart.

Her father's worried face loomed above her, and as he saw her awake, a sigh of relief escaped his lips.

"Are you okay, Sweety?"
He gently wiped away the tears that stained her cheeks. Anisha touched her wet face, realizing she had cried in her sleep.

"Did you have a nightmare again, sweety? You cried a lot."
Her father asked, his voice tinged with concern.

After a moment, Anisha blinked away the remnants of her dream, the details fading like mist in the morning sun. She couldn't quite grasp what had haunted her slumber, only a lingering sense of sadness remained, and the faint memory of Izana's presence.

Shaking off the remnants of her unsettling dream, Anisha focused on the warmth of her father's concern and the comfort of her familiar surroundings. She smiled weakly at him, reassured by his presence and the soothing ambiance of her lavender-scented room.

"I...I don't remember, Dad.."
She admitted softly, her voice still shaky from her emotional turmoil.
"But it felt...sad. And Izana was there...I think."

Her father's expression softened with understanding, and he reached out to pat her hand gently.
"It's okay, my dear. It was just a dream. You're safe now, here with me.."

Anisha nodded, letting herself be enveloped by the comfort of her father's reassurance. Whatever had troubled her in her sleep seemed to fade into the background as she focused on the love and warmth surrounding her in the present moment.

After that, her father gently instructed her to freshen up and join him downstairs for their usual breakfast together. As they always did, sharing those precious moments over a morning meal.

Following his instructions, Anisha made her way to her dressing area, where Leah and two other maids awaited to assist her. With their tender care, they helped Anisha freshen up, swapping her sleepwear for a delicate cream-colored dress, which complemented her complexion perfectly. They carefully combed her hair, weaving it into a simple yet elegant style that framed her face with grace.

Once she was ready, Anisha descended the staircase, the soft swish of her dress accompanying her every step. She found her father waiting for her in the dining room, immersed in the morning news displayed on the newspaper spread before him. His presence was a comforting sight, a pillar of strength and stability in her life.

As she approached, her father looked up, his face lighting up with a warm smile at the sight of her. Anisha returned the smile, feeling a sense of peace and belonging wash over her. Taking her seat beside him, she prepared herself to share yet another morning filled with love, laughter, and the simple joy of being together.

After breakfast, her father excused himself, mentioning he had some important matters to attend to at the imperial palace. Anisha watched him leave with a sense of pride mingled with a touch of sadness, knowing the weight of responsibility he carried.

Feeling unusually fatigued, Anisha decided to forgo her usual archery practice for the day. The remnants of the night's troubling dream lingered in her mind, sapping her energy and leaving her drained. Despite not recalling the specifics, its lingering effect weighed heavily on her spirit.

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