▒92▒ 🔸 The Dream's Grip - 2 🔸

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I couldn't shake off the dream's grip on me, and it kept me from visiting Izana. Each time I thought of going, the memories from the dream would resurface, and I'd be left trembling, unable to step out the door.

I hoped against hope that I would never have that dream again, but I was wrong, terribly wrong. It became a relentless nightly visitor, haunting my sleep for a whole week. The cycle was never-ending. No matter how much I tried to evade it, the dream held me in its clutches.

"Why won't it stop? What does it want from me?"
I muttered in frustration, feeling the tears well up..

I became a prisoner in my own mind, each night a torturous repeat of that haunting experience. Sleep, once a haven, turned into a battleground, leaving me exhausted and restless. The weight of the dream clung to me during the day, casting a shadow over my every move.

"I need to be strong, to push through this.."

I said to myself,

"but I'm so tired."

My days grew darker, as did my spirit. I felt like I was losing a part of myself, like Izana was slipping away, and there was nothing I could do to hold onto him. Depression and hopelessness settled in, like unwelcome guests that refused to leave.

Every night I woke up crying and panting. Still, I couldn't remember the whole dream. But the desperation I felt when they took Izana was real and painful and I can't seem to come back to reality.

It felt as if I had lost him forever, and the dream was a cruel reminder of that loss, a reminder that played out relentlessly each night.

"Even if this happened in my past life, I Won't let this happen again. No, I can't let this happen!"

I said, my voice shaking, desperate to convince myself.

I yearned for the dream to stop, for peace to return to my nights. I longed to sleep without fear, to wake up feeling refreshed, not haunted. But night after night, it persisted, a relentless cycle of pain and fear. I felt trapped, desperate for a way out, for the dream to release its grip on me and let me find solace once more.

"Please, let this end.."

I begged silently.

Harllod, Rose, and Evan came to meet me repeatedly, but I didn't show up. I refused to meet all of them. I even made excuses to not dine together with my father. He seemed to think that I'm still concerned about what happened in the hunting ground, so he gave me space. The dream seems to take over my consciousness.

I was utterly exhausted. The same intense dream had plagued me every night for a full week. What's the point of having the same dream over and over again if I cannot remember the details to prevent it? What does the dream want me to do?
The specific details I needed slipped away like grains of sand. It felt like an unsolved puzzle that I couldn't break free from.


"That's enough!"

Anisha threw one of her pillows out of anger and desperation. She just woke up from her repetitive dream again.

Despite the relentless grip of those haunting dreams, she couldn't ignore the yearning to see Izana. It took every ounce of courage within her, but she knew she had to face him.

As she sat there, she realized that their friendship was more important than ever. The absence of him made her appreciate him even more, and she resolved to convey this sentiment when they eventually reunited. She hoped that when they met they could pick up where they left off, just like the best of friends do..

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