▒110▒ 🔸 Shadows of the Past - 17 🔸

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No visitors were permitted to see Lucas. The days passed in silence, feeling like forever..

A sudden commotion erupted outside as Lucas sat in his cell, consumed by the darkness of uncertainty. The heavy footsteps of guards echoed through the corridors, their urgent voices piercing the silence. Something was happening, but Lucas could only listen, powerless to intervene.

Moments later, the cell door creaked open, and Lucas was dragged out into the blinding light of the corridor. Confused and disoriented, he stumbled forward, his hands still bound behind his back. They dragged him to the prison hallway and entered the courtroom, before him stood the Crown Prince, his expression stern and unforgiving.

"You stand accused of ambushing the holy temple,"

The Crown Prince declared, his voice ringing with authority.

"The masked individuals have been revealed as the priests under the Holy Saints Order, and their testimony confirms your guilt."

Lucas's heart sank as the lie unfolded before him. The masked figures had turned the tables, using their false identities to condemn him. It was a betrayal of the highest order, orchestrated with meticulous precision to ensure his demise.

In the chaos of the moment, Lucas tried to protest, but his words fell on deaf ears..
The Crown Prince, unmoved by his explanations, pronounced the verdict with a cold finality.

"You are sentenced to death."

He declared, his words echoing through the courtroom..

The shock of the sentence reverberated through Lucas's body, sending a chill down his spine. He had never imagined that his journey would end like this, condemned by false accusations and betrayed by those shady nobles.

As he was led away to face his fate, Lucas's mind raced with questions, his thoughts swirling in confusion and despair.
How had everything gone so wrong?
Why did everyone believe those masked people?
Why was the holy saint supporting those people?
What is their connection?
And what awaited him in the final moments of his life?

In the midst of the chaos, one thing was clear, Lucas's fate had been sealed, and there was no turning back. He could only hope that somehow, someway, justice would prevail in the end..

As Lucas stood in the courtroom, trying to make sense of the chaos around him, he felt a mix of shock and amusement. He was barely holding back his urge to laugh, cause nothing makes any sense..

Ever since the appearance of the saint, the empire had been thrown into disarray. The emperor was on his deathbed, and the Crown Prince had transformed into someone unrecognizable. Though always ambitious, the prince's recent actions seemed reckless and foolish.

In the courtroom, Lucas looked around at the tense crowd. His maternal uncle, Marquis Patrickson, appeared ready to confront the masked individuals at any moment. After a series of heated exchanges, the Crown Prince, Edgar, raised his voice and declared that the execution of Lucas and another prisoner would take place the following morning, and no one could change his mind.

Confused, Lucas furrowed his brow, wondering who the other prisoner could be. As ordered, the knights escorted Lucas to the underground cell, their heavy footsteps echoing ominously through the stone corridors.

The underground prison was dimly lit and filthy, with a musty smell hanging in the air. Entering the damp and dingy prison, Lucas was met with a sense of despair. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and the dim lighting cast eerie shadows across the walls. It was a place reserved for those sentenced to death, left to rot away in obscurity.

As they locked him in, Lucas noticed a figure in the cell in front of him.

'That must be the other prisoner..'
Lucas thought to himself.

He approached the bars, trying to get a better look. The dim light made it hard to see..

"So, we are going to die tomorrow right?"
Lucas joked..

Hearing that, as the prisoner turned towards him, Lucas felt a jolt of disbelief.

It was Izana!!

"How did you end up in here?!" Lucas shouted, his voice echoing in the confined space.

Izana simply smiled in response, his eyes reflecting a mixture of resignation and disappointment. It became clear to Lucas that Izana, too, had been framed by the same forces that had orchestrated his own. Lucas realized they were both victims of a twisted plot.


A/N : Hey guys! I'm back!! 😘

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