▒88▒ 🔸 The Royal Hunting competition - 2 🔸

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Anisha and Izana laughed and chatted as they looked for signs of prey. They continued walking deeper into the forest as they couldn't find anything nearby.

They went deeper into the forest, where the trees were thicker and darker. The forest was full of sounds and smells that made them alert and excited. They heard the birds singing, the squirrels chattering, and the wind whistling through the leaves. They smelled the earthy scent of the soil, the sweet aroma of the flowers, and the musky odor of the animals.

Suddenly they spotted a group of rabbits grazing on a grassy clearing. They dismounted their horses and crept closer with their bows ready.

Anisha aimed at a plump rabbit and let her arrow fly. She hit it right in the heart, killing it instantly. She smiled and pumped her fist in the air. Izana congratulated her. Ezana also killed two rabbits himself. The other rabbits ran away fast so they couldn't kill more. Anisha peeked at the other side to see if any more rabbits were hiding, while Izana went to retrieve the dead rabbits.

Izana bent down to pick up one of them. He felt its warm and soft fur in his hands. He said,
"These will make a nice meal."

As Izana bent down to pick up the rabbits, he heard a loud snort behind him. He turned around and saw a huge boar charging at them. It had tusks as long as daggers and eyes full of rage. It must have been disturbed by the noise of their hunt.

He saw Anisha out of the corner of his eye. Anisha was still holding her bow and looking for the rabbits, unaware of the danger.

The boar was too fast and too close and was charging towards Anisha. It didn't see Izana because he was bent down to pick up the rabbits.

Izana felt a surge of fear and panic. He realized that he had left his bow and arrow on his horse, which was too far away to reach. He had no weapon to defend himself or Anisha. He cursed himself for this. The boar was so fast that his mind went blank for a second. He didn't know what to do.

He shouted and ran towards Anisha.

Izana made a split-second decision as he threw himself infront of Anisha, pushing her out of the way. He hoped that Anisha would be safe.

But he paid a high price for his bravery. The boar gored him in the arm, tearing his flesh and muscle. He felt a sharp pain and blood gushing out of his wound.

He fell to the ground, clutching his arm.

Anisha got up from the fall and saw what happened. She was shocked. She dropped her bow and ran to Izana's side.

She saw that Izana was pale and bleeding profusely. She knew that Izana was in danger of losing too much blood.

Anisha was panicking seeing him in that state. She had felt Izana pushing her out of the way, she had heard him scream in pain, and had seen him fall to the ground. She had felt a wave of fear and guilt wash over her.

She saw the blood soaking his clothes and dripping on the grass.
She tore a piece of cloth from her dress and wrapped it around Izana's arm, trying to stop the bleeding. She pressed it hard, hoping to slow down the blood loss. She looked at his face and saw that his lips were blue, and his brows were furrowed.

Anisha called for help, hoping that someone would hear her.

At a moment like this, Izana was still laughing proudly and joking about his injury.
Then he asked Anisha to go to the horse and run from here to get help. Because the boar was still there and he doesn't know how much longer he can stay awake because he was losing too much blood. He didn't know the injury would be this much.

Anisha cursed the hunting tournament and wished they had never joined it.

The boar was still nearby, snorting and pawing the ground. It looked like it was ready to attack again.

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A/N : Aww, my poor baby Izana.. 🥹

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