▒100▒ 🔸 Shadows of the Past - 7 🔸

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The meeting concluded with Izana's fact-based responses leaving a mark of certainty in the air. As the officials filed out, Harold and Izana found themselves walking side by side, delving into a serious conversation.

"We can't wait for the Crown Prince to make a decision.."

Harold stated firmly, his eyes reflecting his determination.

"It's an urgent matter. I've decided to personally lead a search for Marquis Bellacian with our family's army."

Izana nodded in understanding. "Thanks, Harold. That would be a lot of help. Every moment counts in this situation."

Their conversation was filled with a sense of mutual understanding and respect, highlighting the strength of their friendship.

As they walked, they suddenly spotted Anisha waiting outside the main palace. Harold and Izana greeted her politely,

"Greetings to Her Highness, the Crown Princess."

Anisha returned their greetings courteously. Anisha rarely ventured into the main palace these days, as Edger had strictly prohibited her from entering following the incident involving the holy saint. So, today, she had waited outside the meeting room, wandering around the Palace garden.

Harold, with his gentle and caring nature, took a quick glance at Anisha, silently assessing her well-being. His concern for her was evident. Anisha also cast a quick glance his way. His emerald green eyes always seemed to convey unspoken questions, she always felt calm after looking into his enchanting green eyes.

Breaking their wordless exchange, Anisha shifted her gaze to Izana, noticing the strain on his face. She couldn't help but voice her concern, her words filled with genuine worry.

"Are you okay, Izana?"
She asked softly, her eyes searching for his pained expression.

In response, Izana tried to force a smile, though the pain in his expression was hard to conceal.
"I will be.."

The three of them, each carrying their own worries and burdens, stood together outside the palace.

After that brief greeting,
Harold bid farewell and expressed his intent to leave, but Anisha politely halted him. She suggested that they join her for a cup of tea. After a slight consideration, Harold nodded, accepting the offer.

As they walked together towards the Empress Palace from the main palace, Izana gave Anisha a brief summary of what had happened in the meeting room.

She also heard about Harold's wish to go search for the Marquis by himself.

Anisha's expression showed concern, and she voiced her worries.

"Will it be okay, Lord Harold?"

She asked, her eyes filled with genuine concern.

"What if Edger or the temple people use this against you? Accuse you of something else?"

Both Izana and Harold found her concern valid, but they realized they had limited options. Harold assured them that he would go as secretly as possible.

Harold reassured Anisha,

"I'll go as discreetly as possible, and I'll make sure to handle the situation carefully."
Yet, Anisha's concern lingered in her eyes.

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