▒113▒ 🔸 Shadows of the Past - 20 🔸

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Izana's calm voice broke the conflict between Anisha and Lucas.

Izana looked intently at Anisha, his eyes earnest.

"Anisha, can you please try to find the evidence that I've collected? It was actually taken by the temple spy.."

Izana calmly stated..

"It might be hidden somewhere in the Temple. Wait for Harold; he should be coming today, anytime soon. You should search the evidence together."

Lucas simply gave a solemn nod in response to Izana's words, choosing to remain silent.

Anisha paused, sensing the weight of Izana's request and the unspoken concern behind his eyes. After a moment, she nodded in agreement.

"Alright, I'll wait for Harold and search the evidence with him."

Izana gave her a grateful smile, masking the lie about Harold, to keep Anisha safe.
"Thank you, Anisha. Please be careful."

Hearing Izana's words, Anisha nodded determinedly.
"Wait for me, I'll definitely come back with the evidence."

"I know."
Izana replied, his eyes softening into a gentle smile.

With that, they bid each other farewell.
But, just before leaving, Izana gently patted Anisha's head and whispered,

"Anisha, always stay calm. Think before you act or speak. Be wary of others; don't trust anyone easily, especially the Saint and the Temple people. Keep your distance from them. Trust only your father, no one else.
And, do remember me..okay?"

The weight of their impending separation left them both speechless for a moment, a lump forming in their throats. Instead, they exchanged comforting smiles, saying more than words ever could..

Breaking the silence, Lucas added,

"Oh, and can you do one thing for me as well?
When you meet Harold, please tell him that I have no regrets. Even if given another chance and faced the same situation, I would willingly play this part over and over again."

Lucas did his best to hide his tears with a bright smile..

Anisha nodded, her eyes brimming with tears. With one final, lingering look, she turned and left, her determination unwavering, but her heart heavy with the weight of the tasks ahead.

Anisha signaled to Leah, and they emerged from the underground cell without encountering any issues. Anisha was in deep thought. Leah cast a questioning glance at Anisha, trying to understand her thoughts.

Anisha knew Izana had lied about Harold; because she overheard Lucas expressing concern for Harold's whereabouts when she arrived at the underground cell earlier today. Understanding Izana's protective intentions, she chose to play along.

"Now, where should I start from?"
Anisha mumbled, deep in thought.
"Perhaps the Saint's room would be a good place."
She felt the urgency of the situation weigh on her.
"I need to act quickly."

Anisha was convinced that the saint was the mastermind behind all these schemes. The temples might just be carrying out her orders, or perhaps even more. Given this, she suspected that the evidence Izana had collected would likely be in the saint's possession. With a gut feeling that the evidence would be in the saint's room, Anisha decided it would be her first place to search.

But how would she go there?

The Saint resided in the East wing of the Crown Prince's palace. How could she possibly gain access to search for the evidence without being detected?

Anisha told Leah about everything..

Upon hearing Anisha's concerns, Leah quickly formulated a plan. She decided to disguise herself in a regular maid's uniform and intrude into the Crown Prince's palace.
Initially, Leah wanted Anisha to stay behind, but Anisha insisted on helping. Compromising, Leah instructed Anisha to keep a lookout and communicate any observations through a hidden communication tool.

Soon after, Leah changed into a maid's uniform and seamlessly entered the Crown Prince's palace alongside other new maids, going unnoticed. Meanwhile, Anisha positioned herself discreetly in the Crown Prince's garden, vigilant and ready to alert Leah of any potential threats or suspicious activities.

Anisha stood hidden behind the bushes in the Crown Prince's garden, keeping a vigilant eye on the surroundings.

Leah, dressed as a maid, moved swiftly through the palace corridors, blending in with the other new maids. Anisha communicated discreetly with Leah through a small communication device, updating her about any suspicious activities or potential threats.

Inside the palace, Leah managed to reach the saint's quarters without arousing suspicion.
As Leah reached the front of the saint's room, she found the saint was still inside, wide awake. It was unusual for the saint to be awake at this hour; typically she would either be asleep or in the prayer room as it is 5 in the morning. Leah decided to wait patiently, hiding in the shadows, keeping a watchful eye on the Saint's movements.

After almost an hour later, the Saint emerged from her room accompanied by several temple members. They seemed to be heading towards the main building of the Crown Prince's palace. Leah waited for the maids to be dismissed and for the path to clear before finally seizing her opportunity. With the coast clear, she discreetly entered the saint's room, searching for any evidence that could help prove Izana's innocence.
She carefully searched the room, looking for evidence. Anisha, on the other hand, noticed a few guards patrolling the area and informed Leah to be cautious.

After some time, Leah's voice crackled through the communication device..

"I've found something!
It looks like a collection of letters and documents. They might be the one lord Izana collected!!"

Anisha's heart raced with hope. "Bring them to me, Leah. We might have found the evidence we need."

With the evidence in hand, Leah discreetly made her way out of the palace, blending in with the other maids. Both Anisha and Leah knew they had taken a significant risk, but they were determined to save Izana and Lucas at any cost.


A/N :

With evidence in hand, will Anisha and Leah's risky venture expose the truth?

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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