Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

As Amelia looked around at where she was she noticed the small child that she had once helped, but still the peasants were revolting and causing a scene as she quickly turned back to them. One of the peasants caught her eye and shouted that the princess was still out as a group of four or five men started to chase after her Amelia didn't know what to do.

Amelia looked from left to right before running off as fast as she could looking around at the lower town that she hardly knew as she wasn't allowed to spend much time down there and when she did it was out of defiance-to annoy Joffrey or to go to the orphanage. Amelia kept on running down lots of small alleys and passed several different familiar faces as Amelia kept on running her breath was starting to drag and she knew that she couldn't keep on running, she turned one more corner as the men were still catching up to her at a fast and scary pace. She looked behind her to see they were still hot on her trail as she continued to run; all of a sudden she hit something that was hard and fell at a fast rate causing pain to go up the right side of her body. Screaming in pain she looked up to see the four peasants circled around her they pulled Amelia up and laughed at her pitiful stance. She grabbed one of the men and slapped him around the face as hard as she could but he swung back ten times harder causing Amelia to fall back to the ground as she fell again to the floor the men took this as their prim opportunity to grab her legs and pull her backwards as she scrambled trying to find anything that she could to hold onto and try and get away. She muffled a scream as the men kept on trying to pull her back. They pulled her back as far as they wanted her and the started to rip the bottom of her dress. As one of the men slowly laid on the low of her back and whispered in her ear "You're going to be fucked my lady." Amelia screamed as they dragged her back even further by her legs trying to turn her around so that they could laugh at the distress on her face, as the other three men held her feet and her arms so she could not escape Amelia had no choice but to plead that they would not doing anything. Each man had a sick and twisted smile on their face as the fourth was preparing himself to take Amelia. She kept on struggling as her dress was getting pulled further down her body and the men were starting to become restless.

The grip that they had upon her arms and legs were staring to cause her pain as the grip suddenly got a lot tighter as the men were about to complete their awful act. Amelia kept on screaming as loudly as she could petrified and scared of what was to come. She had never had this happen to her in a non-forced situation as it was. But this only made her stomach churn even more; she carried on screaming and crying as they continued. She closed her eyes not wanting to see anymore. All of a sudden the tight grip the men once had, had disappeared and she still laid still not knowing what to do. She slowly peeled her eyes open to see what had happened. There stood her elder brother with his arms around one of the men's necks, the one that was about to take her. He picked him up from his throat and stabbed him Amelia looked up as she saw his intestines fall to the floor and then he dropped him onto the floor. She shuffled backward a small bit still scared as there were many men still around her. He grabbed the second man and stabbed him straight in the back as the blood started to flow out of his mouth, then came the third he tried to run but James turned him around and cut his throat causing him to fall to the floor. The forth cowered in the corner as he swung yet again and killed him before he could even had made a move. Amelia looked up a little frightened and scared as he started walking towards her.

"It's alright little lioness, your all alright now." He held his hand out to her and she graciously took it and collided with his chest. Small sobs racked through Amelia's body as she held onto her brother for dear life scared that f she let go something would happen to her. He slowly picked her up and carried her through the wreckage and carnage of the town and back into the safety of the castle walls. Where Joffrey was waiting impatiently for her, James laid her down against one of the walls as her ladies rushed to attend her. Joffrey walked over "are you alright Amelia" Joffrey asked with worry in his voice as his uncle Tyrion walked over. "The little lioness is bleeding" he slowly replied as he took a step back to access the damage. She looked weak, weaker than she did before she had a nasty gash that was on her face and several running down her arms she had bruises starting to form and nobody knew what could have been under her dress for all they knew it could be a lot worse than it already was." someone take her back to her pen. See to those cuts." Her ladies swarmed around her as they picked her up and took her away, Joffrey and his uncle stared as Ser James "thank you James." Tyrion said. James looked around as he then walked up the stairs. "I didn't do it to you."

For the next week Amelia didn't move from her bed. She couldn't bare the fact of what had happened and every time she fell asleep nightmares plagued her dreams of what had happened what would have happened if James her brother her elder brother wasn't there she was still in a lot of pain and Joffrey had reduced her sentence to just being confined to her chambers. But Amelia didn't mind she hadn't had any encouragement to move, and when or if she did it hurt too much for her to bare so she just went back to bed and cried away the pain that she had felt. Maid's entered her room always at the same time first thing when they laid her breakfast down on the table beside her bed, but Amelia didn't eat it nor touch it. Then at lunch time another maid came in with her lunch and still Amelia did not touch it. The same routine happened at dinner and when the maid came back to wish Amelia good night she sighed, again seeing that Amelia had not eaten any of her food.

"If you do not start eating I am going to have to tell the king, you have not eaten anything and barely drunk anything for the past week. I cannot see the girl that I have watched grown up turn into a deathly pale child and die before my eyes now can I. please you need to eat, I know what has happened was tough and will be tough to deal with, but you can't let it affect you like it is." Amelia didn't even move her old maid sighed and got up. "You have left me no choice Amelia." She left the room as silently as she had walked in to go and speak to the king.

Joffrey was sitting on the iron throne making preparation for timothy execution which was happening tomorrow at noon and also talking about what was going to happen to Amelia. No one had seen her or spoken to her- although she was confined to her chambers. Many usually spoke to her or went to visit her. But the normal people that did go and speak to Amelia gave Joffrey the small response. She looks worse than before a ghostly pale colour and wouldn't even mover or speak. As they continued their conversation Gwen a handmaiden that always tended Amelia when she was ill and had been with her since she was a babe walked through the door. She bowed lowly before starting, "I am sorry to interrupt your grace but its Amelia she hasn't eaten anything all week and I fear that she is getting worse, she is hardly sleeping as she is constantly screaming in her sleep. I don't know what to do your Grace, so I beg of you to talk to her. I know that she must attend the execution tomorrow, but how she is now she can barely stand let alone watch yet another person dies before her eyes." Joffrey looked at Gwen with saddened eyes before standing "this meeting is over I leave you all in charge of the events of tomorrow." Joffrey nodded at his small council and then walked out of the doors.

Joffrey took a deep breath in before walking into Amelia's room he was shocked to see that Amelia was sitting up in her bed a book in her hand and she was reading casually aloud. Joffrey stood in the door way for a second listening to her read a book about a king and a princess how they fell in love but many things got in their way other cruel kings, people not wanting their love to have a happy ending, death and how they have won many battles but they hadn't won the overall war, how that the king took the princess prisoner for expecting her of crimes in which she did not comit and more terrifying experiences before their love could truly blossom.

Joffrey let Amelia finish before making his presence known.


Hey guys- sorry about last week I was really ill and also a bit stressed for my exams. I made tis chapter longer to make up for it i hope you enjoy it. Please vote and comment i know where im taking the story now so theres a lot more to come and im still going to be updating every sunday. but todays is just a bit earlier to make up for last week. Thank you all for reading 2K reads is amazing.

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