Chapter 6

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Hey guys. Early update as I can't upload on Sunday as I'm away and will have no wifi. This chapters kind of short as it's sort of just a filler. I hope you enjoy. Please comment and vote.

Chapter 6

Amelia looked around the room and her eyes caught the ones of her older brother, he looked at her for a moment and tried to study her face. They were close once, when Joffrey wouldn't give her his time of day as he wanted to learn how to be a king and all Amelia wanted to do was talk about princesses. When they were close they were a force to be reckoned with many songs were sung about the two. But now Joffrey has her, has had her since she turned ten and one Amelia slowly slipped out of his fingers and now she doesn't even talk to him.

Amelia looked into the eyes of timothy and could already see the destruction that her brother had caused he had bruises that were starting to turn purple on his face and arms he was in shackles and could barely walk he had a look of pain and fear in his eyes the same look that Amelia had.

James looked into the eyes of his sister to be met with ones of pure horror and worry and then he looked to the boy who he had his hands firmly on. Amelia shook her head and when she was about to answer she was pushed off of Joffrey's lap and onto the cold hard floor. "Mother told me that beating your betrothed was bad but never your sister, perhaps you don't understand Amelia. This man was found in your bed in your chambers and by what your knights and ladies have told me by your hand." At this Amelia looked straight up and looked her eyes with ser Thomas he was her most trusted guard surly he hadn't said anything and Esme she was someone Amelia told everything surely she hadn't either.

"He...I...I don't...I" Amelia stuttered as the words would not come out clearly in a sentence and Joffrey smirked at the fear that he was causing within her. "He's a peasant that's for sure, but Amelia you could do so much better. I never had you down as a whore Amelia." Amelia looked down in dishonour. She shook her head before starting to speak "he's ... he's the stone mason's son, I asked him to create me a sword of the best quality. I had no idea how to yield one so he offered, offered to give me lessons. When he told me about his family I felt I had to do something he couldn't just be left out here on his own. I offered him in gave him some food and we shared a bed that's all. Nothing more. He had one side and I had the other until I woke with you this morning your grace I promise nothing more I promise." Amelia weaped loudly as Joffrey looked between that pair "dear brother ser James where's this sword." James looked down to the ground where the sword laid and picked t up. "Here your grace." Joffrey studied the design and detail for a moment before standing up and passing the sword to Amelia. "Ser Thomas ready yourself." They both looked at the king in utter disbelief.


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