Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Joffrey was sitting indomitably on the iron throne with his crown placed upon his head. He had the whole court summoned and Amelia was placed on his lap like she always was. It was a place that she knew Joffrey wanted her to sit; he wouldn’t admit it to her as it was supposed to be a throne for a king. But he knew that when she was sitting there she was safe and no harm could come her way. A man with some instrument that Amelia had never seen before was placed in his hands and he started singing. The song made Amelia tense and feel weak as the awful and upsetting words of the song rang in her ears, her father may have not been the best but he was there for her. She continually looked at her mother, and even though her mother would show any facial expression she knew that the words made her feel sick.

Once he had finished the whole court bustled with little grunts, gasps or rumours that they loved to spread, but what worried me the most was when Joffrey and the whole court started to clap. Cersei looked over once to see the facial expressions of her children; she knew that Joffrey could hide emotions and use his sadistic smile. But Amelia wasn’t as good at hiding her emotions, she saw the pained and fearful look on her face, and knew that she could do nothing. Amelia looked at the man like he was a fool to sing that song in front of the royal family, knowing he had died just merely weeks before. She was brought out of her trance when Joffrey stated “And why are you not clapping my sweet sister” he asked with dignity in his voice. I looked down to ashamed to look up. He hovered over me and repeated himself “I asked you a question.” She looked up at the king fear evident on her face, and Joffrey’s once stern and stubborn features turned into one of regret and understanding.

“I am sorry, your grace. I didn’t think that the song was worthy of such an honour as a clap and I surely thought that it would not have been a song appreciated by the court. It tells us that our king was a…” I stated. Surprised that I was able to come up with such a response, but the response was cut short when he glared at me. He went back to sitting on his throne, in his odd matter and started to talk. “Very amusing, isn’t it as funny song. Thank you for your rendition.” The words made Amelia look at him in horror. Amelia stood up and went to leave, but Joffrey grabbed her. He smiled in the way that only Amelia could tell of what was to come. He took her arm and guided her to the side of his throne. She raised an eyebrow at him, but he carelessly continued. “I imagine it was even better received at that tavern” Joffrey turned to Amelia with a smirk plastered to his face, in which only Amelia cold return although she wasn’t as sadistic as Joffrey she knew how to play the game and she played it well.

Amelia turned to look at the man on the floor and could only laugh at the look of pure fear and horror on the man’s face. The man who Amelia still hadn’t learnt the name of scrambled to his feet, in such a hurry it made Amelia laugh more. “I’m so sorry your grace, my lady. I’ll never sing it again. I swear” Joffrey sat still for a few moments before speaking again. “Tell me which do you favour your fingers or your tongue”. The man (which is his name that I am calling him) looked confused and unsettled. “Your grace?” Joffrey’s tone then turned sour and it made Amelia wince, “fingers or your tongue if you got to keep one, which would it be?” The man stuttered and couldn’t choose an answer, by this time you could tell that Joffrey was getting bored. “Or I could just cut your throat.” He then turned his head and smiled at me. “We should ask the princess, wouldn’t that be a great honour for you.” The man slowly nodded his head as I was trying to come up with an answer that would satisfy Joffrey and the court. “Well your grace, no man could live without a tongue as they would be silenced and unable to talk, several people can use words to their advantage, but not having hands would be far worse, you could not write wield a sword or hold a new-born child. If it was my decision I would chose tongue.” Joffrey laughed at his sister’s response knowing that there were several other uses that hands were good for, but he knew that she was too innocent to understand.

Joffrey looked at the man “The princess is right your grace, every man needs hands your grace.” Joffrey took Amelia’s hand in his, and looked at her before whispering in her ear that he wants her to got to her chambers with Ser Thomas and that he will come and see her once court is over, he also told her how he wanted her to use the grand entrance doors to the hall. She nodded her head and with that took off through the grand doors as told and curious as to why she couldn’t go the other way. After all it was quicker and less of a walk.  She looked behind her and Ser Thomas was still there, Thomas had been her guard since she was younger and told him most things. “May I ask you a question Ser Thomas?” he nodded his head as a response. “What will happen to the man, Joffrey won’t be too cruel to him, would he?”I wouldn’t want to see anyone hurt.” Amelia looked across and stared at Ser Thomas he was trying to answer his question in the nicest possible way. “I am unsure but here are your chambers, I shall be outside if you need me. I hope you have an enjoyable evening my lady.” I smiled and entered my chambers “Thank you Ser Thomas.” I shouted as the door closed behind me.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, wanted to use an actual scene from the show to start it off, I’m going to try and incorporate in several different scenes. Please vote and comment J

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