Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Amelia and a few knights had just left the castle grounds to go riding once again into the woods, Joffrey was still slightly angered from the events of the beginning of the week but had let Amelia go out as he knew that was what she loved. He followed her out into the courtyard watching her mount her horse before he saw her riding off into the distance and that was when he knew that he could return to the castle.

Meanwhile Amelia and the handful of knights were nearing where they wanted to be, they were some of her most trusted knights. They knew that if Joffrey knew what they were all about to do he would have all of their heads for disobeying strict orders that he had said that they must follow, but after months of bribery Amelia had finally got her way and the knights swore they would not say a thing as long as they could come with her. They had reached the found were they were told to meet the boy of the village. He had made Amelia a sword that she asked for and it was the one of the most beautiful craftsmanship that she had seen. She remembered the boy asking her what or who the sword was for and when she told him that it was for herself he was shocked, he asked if she knew how to use the sword and when she answered no the boy had jumped at the opportunity of teaching her. She had been having lessons with him now for the past fortnight and she made sure that he looked after the sword.

Today though was different she had been having to use a wooden sword as she couldn't even pick up the sword that was made for her, but today he actually bought the sword. All the men gasped when they saw the beauty of the sword and Amelia smiled happily knowing that it was hers. The boy gently passed Amelia the sword and he stared into her eyes, the boy's name was Timothy and during the short time they had been meeting secretly to practice Amelia had been enjoying his company and without knowing properly she had formed some small feeling for the boy. Timothy was about 5ft7 and had deep piercing green eyes that drew her in; he had blonde hair and had a smile that Amelia just loved. Timothy was standing there and resorted in snapping his fingers in her face and holding the sword to her stomach. "If you were in a battle, you would have just been killed. Never take your eyes off your opponent and never get distracted." Amelia nodded her head before drawing her sword and knocking the sword out of Timothy's hand, the sword still felt heavy but it wasn't that bad. He smiled at her "Good, you're learning." They started to fight and Amelia's breath was starting to drag and Timothy noticed, he took this and wacked Amelia on the back and she feel straight the ground. "What was that for?!" Amelia shouted he looked at her smugly "Never show your opponent that you are feeling weak." Amelia nodded again for the rest of the day the fought and Amelia learned as much as she possibly could.

As they were starting to stop Amelia noticed the saddening expression on his face, "What's wrong, you were happy at the beginning of the day as the day has been drawing in that happy smile has turned into one of pain and upset." Amelia stated. Timothy looked down at the ground, "Are you sure you want to know." Amelia nodded once more and he started to explain. He had lost his work as he had been being constantly late and in doing so had no money to pay his rent; his sister had to be sent to the local orphanage. He said how much he hated himself as she was the only that the he had the reminded him of his mother who died two years ago due to the disease that swept through kings landing. He said that he was still looking for a job so that he could get his sister back and a roof and food over his head, he said he was really trying. Amelia nodded and watched as the boys eyes started to feel with tears, "Well if you would like, you would have to go through the back doors and meet me at my chambers as Joffrey always meets me when I return and I don't think that he would take to kindly to seeing a 'commoner' with the princess. But you could spend a couple of nights in the castle, I may be able to sought something out for you work wise that would pay well with the gif that you poses. Would that be alright?" Amelia looked up at the boy and he quickly shook his head. "No my lady I could not do that." Amelia looked at him in utter disbelief the amount of help that this boy had given her she felt obliged to help him; he wanted him to live a happy life. "Honestly I am sure come to the castle I owe you, you have done nothing but help me and I am very grateful. Please I will sort something out for you I swear." Timothy nodded his head and with that, they packed away there things and decided to head back to the castle.


Thank you for reading- I know its a short chapter the next one is going to be long. Please vote and comment.

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