Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Amelia had been deflated for the past couple of days, she had tried to go about her normal routine but it hurt when she thought back to that day. But she was looking forward to celebrating Joffrey's name day with him. She knew that there was going to be a tournament and she loved these sought of things. Joffrey tried to spend as much time with Amelia as possible and left preparations of his name day to everyone else

As Joffrey's name day rolled around, Amelia was the first to wake him up and wish him a happy birthday and shower him with happiness. Although today was about Joffrey, Joffrey wanted to make sure that Amelia had a lovely day. Many people in the lower towns were preparing for today and as Amelia got dressed into her finest gown she could find, and then ventured down to the throne room in which was where the morning started. Amelia walked into the Throne room and many jaws dropped at the beauty of her, many of the knights and lords bowed as she walked in. as she got closer to the throne she looked up at Joffrey and beamed as she saw him. Joffrey stood up from the throne and beckoned Amelia to come and sit with him and as she starts to walk up the stairs Joffrey taken her hand to take her up the final steps. Once Amelia was seated the celebrations truly began as Joffrey received gifts and presents of such beauty that Amelia envied.

Once the gifts and the initial excitement of the morning had died down, Joffrey took his siblings and betrothed out to the training ground. Where a grand seat was set out for the royal family. Joffrey positioned himself in the centre of the seats where the grandest seats was and placed Sansa onto his left and the rest of his siblings to the right making sure that Amelia was as close to him as possible. The first battles took place and amelias eyes were glued to two knights as the fought and battked until they yieleded. The next people to fight were the hound and a lord which in all honesty Amelia had never heard of. The battle was intense and quite gory as the fight between the two got worse and the hound ended up knocking the lord's shield out of his hands and left him to stumble to the edge of the wall, where there was an almighty drop which would surely lead to an instant death. Although both men still with weapons they fought on courageously, until the hound with one final blow sent him falling off of the wall and plummeting to the floor. Joffrey quickly rose from his seat bringing Amelia with him as they both saw the aftermath of the fight.

With both of the siblings showing different facial expressions, one of happiness and one of pure horror as they saw the man being pulled away and the trail of blood that was left behind. "Well struck, well struck dog." Joffrey stated as the hound took off his helmet and smiled at the crowd that was cheering. Joffrey looked back at Sansa and pointed down towards where the dead body was, with a sadistic and evil smirk on his face he turned to Sansa "Did you like that?" Sansa nodded before saying that it was well struck. Joffrey's nostrils flared at her response, he had already said that and she knew he would not take it lightly. Amelia looked at the pair of them before speaking. "Brother it was such a good hit that they are the only words that can come to mind. It was truly a wonderful performance." As Amelia spoke Joffrey kept his glare fixed onto Sansa before looking back out. "I suppose it was, not all people can be as diligent as a king can they Sansa?" Joffrey stated with a smirk "Of course not your grace."

Joffrey stood tall for a moment before turning back and smiling at Amelia; she smiled back and asked him he would be nest. Joffrey looked out and shouted "who's next?" one of Joffrey's kings guard answered "Lorthar Broom a free rider in the service of Lord Baelish." As the knight approached the audience clapped. The man the pointed to the other side "Ser Dontor the red of house Holland." As the man spoke his final word there was no knight that approached. Joffrey looked into the crowd aggravated and annoyed. The main then repeats himself, all of a sudden a loud shout of here I am is heard through the small passage and both Joffrey an Amelia look to their left to see a fat man that looks like he has had one to many drinks placing his helmet upon his head. Amelia laughs as he drops his helmet and he spins around several times trying to stop it. "Sorry your grace, my ladies my deepest apologies." Amelia and Joffrey both chuckled as the man couldn't even put his helmet on the right way. Joffrey looks Amelia before stating "are your drunk." The man looks confused by the question and then takes his helmet back of. He looks at Amelia and then the Ser Dontor quickly says "No... No your grace. I had two cups of wine." Ser dontor looked confident as he answers and Amelia went into though she wasn't even allowed one cup of wine, it had to be watered down- that's how Joffrey liked Amelia to drink it even though he was able to drink a full cup of wine. Amelia looks back up and then at the man "two cups." Ser Dontor nods his head at the princess, "that's not much at all." Amelia looked at Joffrey and he smirks pointing to the wine infornt of him "please have another one" Joffrey said while looking at the man, Ser Dontor looked sceptical before saying "are you sure your grace" Joffrey simply nodded his head. The man bowed "I would be honoured your grace." Joffrey smirked before sitting back down in his chair and looking to Ser Bradley. "Ser Bradley help Ser dontor celebrate my name day, see that he drinks his feel." Ser Dontor nods and Amelia grimaces as she knows what is to come. Ser Dontor was taken by three of the king's guard and pushed to his knees as two men heled him to the floor. A funnel of some description was placed into his mouth and then one of the knights' lifted up a whole barrel of wine and started to tip it down into his throat. Joffrey sat back amused and although Amelia found it disturbing there was something that was oddly satisfying about it.

Before anything else could happen Sansa blurted out "You can't." Joffrey's smirk turned into a sour and evil twisted look "what did you just say?" Sansa slowly turned her face around to look at Joffrey. "Did you just say I can't?" Sansa looked scared as she started to speak "I only meant, it would be bad luck to kill someone on their name day your Grace." Joffrey scoffed "what kind of stupid peasant's superstition." Sansa looked down before the hound spoke "The girl is right when a man serves on his name day he reaps all year." Joffrey turned his head to Amelia whom was looking at the ground not knowing what to say or do. Joffrey sighed before looking at the man, Joffrey looked begrudgingly "take him away, I'll have him killed tomorrow the fool." The wine was taken away and the man threw up on the floor. Joffrey looked at the man and laugh as he continued to throw up, "he is a fool brother you are so clever to see that, he'll make a much better fool than a knight." Joffrey looked to Amelia and smiled he agreed with her and laughed with her. "He doesn't deserve a merciful quick death." Joffrey looked at Amelia and then back to the man. "Did you hear your princess ser Dontor." The knight was then pulled up to his feet, Joffrey then stood up. "From this day you'll be my new fool." The man bowed again "thank you your grace, thank you my princess, thank you." Amelia nodded at the man before he was escorted away.

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