Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Breakfast was a solemn affair among the Lannister's, Joffrey was silent and looking towards Amelia and James as they were conversing and talking more that they had done in a while and from Joffrey's point of view there was a reason for that. It was awkward between the two of them at first but as soon as they started talking the pair had realised how much they had missed each other, as the pair laughed and joked away everyone else watched on. The Lannister princess would be going off soon and no one was truly prepared for what was left after the situation.

Joffrey suddenly slammed his cup down on the table as the group of blondes gaze turned upon them; Joffrey grimaced at the way that Amelia's smile dropped from her face as she saw her brother. "She's leaving now." Everyone started to disagree but they were quickly shushed by Joffrey as he stood up. Cersei stood up and walked towards her daughter "yes I guess we must be going, but just remember, whilst your up in the north with the wolves, you are a lion and we kill faster than a wolf." Amelia smiled and nodded at her mother. "But she will not come back a lion will she mother?" Joffrey sneered as he walked also to Amelia. "She'll be coming back a Northern whore." Everyone was taken aback by the comment and Amelia quickly went to excuse herself but was stopped by Joffrey by his sudden laugh "it was a joke... comes on us all need a quick laugh before she goes." Amelia simply nodded her head again and a small smile played at her lips; as a sudden knock was heard at the door.

Joffrey's loud voice told the person to come in and the small squire shivered in fear in front of his king "I'm sorry you're Graces, my lady. Lord Robb Stark has called to see if you are ready to leave." The squire quickly bowed at the nod of the king and the small royal party stood up and made their way to the courtyard.

Amelia was shocked to see the amount of people that had lined the streets to see their beloved princess leave, many shouted and smiled and waved at her as they saw the young princess leave the castle walls. The princess waved back at the people and nearly forgot the whole ordeal of what was going on; until she turned to her left and yet again her smile had faded from her face as she saw the Stark outrage saddled up and ready to leave. Amelia stood next to Joffrey as the king proclaimed. "We are here today to say goodbye to our beloved princess, I am sure that she will be missed not only by us but the people of the kingdom. We want to wish all a great travel, and a joyous journey." At that a grand carriage came around for the princess, "I thought I was riding on horseback." Amelia stated as she looked at the carriage with annoyance "You know how much I hate them." Amelia whispered to Joffrey, but most around heard. Joffrey simply shook his head "on my order I have told Lord Robb for you to be restricted to the carriage and not ride." Amelia eyes fell to the ground as she simply nodded submissively to her brother.

As Amelia started to say goodbye to her family her mother took her into a warm embrace, her mother smiled a genuine smile at her she told Amelia again to remember that she is a lion and we roar as loud as we can. Amelia held onto her mother before she told her that she had to let go and she swiftly moved on to her uncle Jamie he smiled at her and hugged her quickly saying that she will come and see her as soon as possible with a quick saying of a Lannister always pay their debts. Amelia then moved onto her elder brother Jamie, he smiled at her and the saluted at her and Amelia saluted back it was something they did together when they were small. He then pulled her into a hug and wished her luck. Tommen held her hand and then kissed it before quickly running off to their mother and she laughed at his little action. Lastly was Joffrey the king, she smiled at him and the tears that she promised wouldn't fall slowly started to as Joffrey took his sisters into his arms, she cried on his shoulder, Joffrey probably held her onto her for too long and anyone around them would have thought of that to but they let him have the moment they were siblings after all Joffrey pulled back from the hug and kissed her check softly before whispering something only she could hear in her ear. Robb looked at the pair of them and was starting to get annoyed as Robb was seeing this as a more than affectionate side from Joffrey. But noticed that Amelia was too sweet to understand.

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