Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Joffrey walked towards Amelia and sat at the end of her bed. She looked up at him with wide eyes but and expression on her face in which he couldn’t read or truly understand. She set the book onto the side and placed her hands in her lap as she remained sat up, Joffrey looked to the untouched food to the side of her and the picked it up and placed it in front of her, and she looked down at the food that was in front of her and then back to Joffrey she simply shook her head. Joffrey sighed deeply before sitting on the bed properly with his legs crossed and looking at her directly in the eye. “You need to eat and that’s not up for discussion, I don’t need another person dead tomorrow do I?” Amelia looked up at Joffrey bemused. She thought that timothy’s execution had been moved for a week surely it had not been a week since she had not moved.

Joffrey laughed at her before standing up and going to her wardrobe, he looked into the wardrobe for a while before looking at a dress that he had never seen Amelia wear and showed it to her. “When did you get this I’ve never seen it, and most of the clothes in your wardrobe I’ve brought?” Joffrey asked with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice Amelia she looked at him uncertain of the dress but as soon as she saw it her eyes widened in shock. He stared at her with a menacing glare. “I asked you a question Amelia. When did you get this?” Amelia shrunk back a little not wanting to tell Joffrey where or who she had got it from, Amelia quivered as she looked at the dress. He threw it at her in pure anger before walk over to her. Amelia flinched back as he got closer she scurried as far away as possible petrified of what Joffrey was going to do. Joffrey went to grab at her neck and Amelia screamed as he was about to do so at this, Joffrey looked at Amelia and his eyes settled to ones of pity. He looked at her and placed his hands by her side; he looked at the dress and picked it up carefully. The material wasn’t of that good quality and the needle work looked sloppy and a bad shape, the dress was a subtle colour one that wasn’t or wouldn’t have cost a lot of money. He wondered who it could have been.

Joffrey made sure that she didn’t know anyone whom couldn’t give her the best quality or the best things in life. But then it clicked who it was from why he had never seen it, it was from him. From the boy who was losing his life tomorrow. “It was him wasn’t it, he brought you this when you were all loved up and he was teaching you how to kill he brought you this and you didn’t thing to have burned it straight away. I thought I had raised a sensible young woman.” Joffrey got angry with every word that he said causing Amelia to become scarred once again. His anger then turned into a smirk “You can wear it tomorrow, wear it. It can be that last thing that he sees his beloved princess Amelia in before you watch his head be removed from his shoulder and role onto the floor.” Joffrey smiled and looked amused. He placed the dress over her chair and smiled at her. “Well you look a lot better then you did, I will come and wake you up early tomorrow and help you dress and sought yourself out. His death will be at noon, see you in the morn.”  Joffrey looked at Amelia and before he walked out he picked up the plate of food and placed it in front of her “eat.”

With that he left as quickly as he entered.

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