Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Amelia wanted to weep as she saw the sun rise above the trees the next morning and heard the men around the camp starting to get ready for the day ahead. Maybe that was what made her shiver the thought of her being locked up like an animal while people fought one another for their rightful possessions. Amelia tried to move from the post that the iron clad handcuffs had been tied onto and attached to her wrist, and as she continued to shiver she continued to move making the rattling sound irritating and overbearing.

As the men walked past they would glare at the Lannister or she would overhear the reasons on why she had been locked up. She had heard that it had been something that Robb wanted to do for a while and was waiting for the right time and she suddenly felt betrayed for the loyalty she had given him. As Amelia sat in the mud and looked at where she had finally ended up she realised that she truly hadn't played a good enough game to keep the wolf off of her tail.

It was the loud thuds and the constants heaviness of the boots that caught Amelia attention as she strained her eyes to look up at the man who was coming before her. "The king has said he wants you there when he returns." With that the young man that had appeared smirked and then kicked Amelia in her stomach with her letting out a loud groan as the man chuckled and walking away "The king sent his regards" Amelia could only believe that he was doing this from the anger that their king felt for her.

As Amelia heard the sounds of shouts and the horse's hooves fall in the distance she knew that they had gone and this would be how she was left until Robb got his sister back. She shivered continuously and the dress that she was wearing was fitting and did not cover much skin and as she tried to curl herself into a ball she find that it was hard to do so. As Amelia kept her head to the ground she sighed and let a small tear escape from her eye. As the thought of the shame she would bring to her family if they could see her now.

It was unbeknown to Amelia that before he had left Robb had seen her locked and tied up in the cage like an animal and for a small moment he felt pity and fear for her. He could see that she was shivering and that she was tired, he could see that she wanted to very but she was stronger than he had anticipated. He could see the pain he had caused her and it was as he was about to head onto battle did he feel sympathy for her. As his men called hi he called on one of the guards close by and told them to give her some food and make sure she is prepared for when he is home. As the man nodded dutifully to his king Robb looked at Amelia one more time before looking away.

As the day drew on many of the men left the princess be and as the food was placed on the floor inform of her Amelia had still not been able to stomach eating it. She knew too many this would look ungrateful, but the feeling in her stomach was to overpowering and as she looked up to the sky she hoped that tumour would come quickly and that the north and the south would be at peace one again.


I apologise for the long wait and short chapter, I wanted to make it longer but it wouldn't fit. Update Saturday for you all.

Thank you for staying with me and the book. 

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