Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Amelia sat in Joffrey's lap listening to the boring stories of the court and how they had no money or food, how they were struggling to live with having so many children. Many of the people in Amelia's opinion looked like they had just got out of bed and slowly walked into the throne room begging for anything that they could get, but nine times out of ten Joffrey either shoed them out stopped listening or killed them. That was one thing that Joffrey did to anyone, as soon as he saw you walk through the grand doors you were condemned to you fate whether it was good or bad.

Amelia grew and tired and bored of the same old drabble that every peasant repeated and she wanted to go down to the lower town, knowing that this was the best time as Joffrey listening to the people was a duty that he simply couldn't get out of. Amelia got up and gave her excuse that she was retiring to her room for the morning to read and talk to her ladies. Joffrey nodded simply as Amelia strode out of the room whilst everyone bowed to her. Amelia hastily prepared for the trip to the lower town taking her old cloak and her most trusted ladies in waiting- without Esme her most trusted she had not seen her since she left her cell- as soon as they were already the quickly descended down the steps and into the lower village. Unbeknown to the girls Joffrey had planned a visit to the cathedral down in the city and was leaving once he was dressed.

Amelia and her few ladies got into the carriage that was waiting and started their travel down to the orphanage carrying toys, food and clothing. Amelia and her ladies spoke freely whilst on their way to the orphanage all laughing and sharing embarrassing stories. All of a sudden Amelia heard loud shouting signalling the men that were taking her that she had arrived. Joffrey however was on his way to the cathedral and his men had stopped his carriage on hearing the other men and seeing Amelia. Joffrey sat forward in his carriage and then pulled the sweet smelling spices away from his nose and pulled the vent down to talk to one of his guards. "Why did we stop?" Joffrey asked bemused, "its princess Amelia your grace." Joffrey looked at the guard hesitantly before looking back to where he could see another carriage. As he pulled down another vent that was at the back he saw the sweet and caring appearance of his sister whom had a smile upon her face. Joffrey's face grew red form anger "what is she doing who gave her permission?" Joffrey watched intently as she continued walking away from her maid who kept on calling her by her title.

"Princess Amelia, my lady. We should have guards my lady." Amelia looked back towards lily (her favourite maid) with a smile still upon her face. "Why?" Amelia asked hesitantly before she walked into a man that looked like a giant compared to her small frame, with tattered clothes a dirty face and bruising forming around his eyes. Amelia face turned to one of worry for a small second for it then to gain the smile in which she just had on her face. "Pardon me." Amelia said loudly before stepping round the men and continuing her journey. Amelia carried on walking down to the small entrance of the orphanage taking in the smell and scenery. People throwing waste out of their windows and it piling up onto the floor the mud tracks and the torn clothes that the people wore a sight that Amelia wasn't truly used to.

Amelia found the small entrance and looked ahead, "stop my lady; you'll ruing your dress." Lily said with the up most concern. Amelia just shrugged though "I have others." Amelia walked through the muck and mud on the floor and into the orphanage. Out of the sight of Joffrey. "would you like to speak to her your Grace?" one of the king guard proclaimed. Joffrey just sat there. Did he want to talk to her?


Hello sorry that it has been so long kind of got a lot going on at the moment, really short update I know but just wanted to get something up. Thank you for reading>

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