Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

For a small moment Amelia thought she saw a small amount of guilt cover his face but this was quickly hidden by Robbs stone hard features and war council face. Many seconds had passed with Robb staring at the youngest Lannister in front of him before he took one step closer and pulled her chin up so that she was looking at him right in the eyes "As long as my sisters are returned to me I believe that no harm will come to you. I know that you brother is weak in his claims unlike his family around him." Amelia looked up at Robb confused before she realised that she had a small amount of fight left in her; "Holding me hostage will only make Joffrey have your fathers head but yours as well on a spike near the castle walls. My brother cares a lot for me and his family." Robb laughed at her comment before laughing a little "He cares a little too much."

Amelia held Robbs gaze for a long moment this time before Robb looked her over one more time and started to walk away. But for a second he looked like he was going to reconsider his thought of throwing her in the cage and as he looked back at her the expressions on his delicate face made him sigh and feel a small amount of hatred towards himself. Robb spoke quietly as looked at Amelia again "I'll have someone to bring you some water to clean yourself up and I will have someone to check on you." Amelia watched him with eyes wide as if she is all of a sudden shocked by his sudden movement of kindness and as Robb looked like he wanted to say something he turns awake quickly before he could.

As Robb turns to leave Amelia realises that she would be living like this for a while and as a moment of bravery she tried to grab Robbs attention, "wait" Amelia tries to launch herself forward but struggles with the small restraints that are now wrapped around her and ends up on her hands and knees in front of Robb, but he makes no move to help her up but Amelia would prefer to have her small amount of honour that she had left. Amelia's eyes frantically looked around the small amount of the camp that she could, looking for the one person that had a sense of home. Finally once she realises that he is nowhere to be seen she looks up and asks "Could I please see my brother?" Robbs facial expression slightly tensed and his answer was quick as he turned to walk away the defining "no" was something that scared Amelia as she could only hope that Jamie was being treated well.

Amelia's eyes seemed to stay open as the day became night and then the night became day and as she profoundly shivered she couldn't help but think of all the things she had done to end up in the situation that she was in. Joffrey was at home, he was sitting on his throne and for the first time in a while she wished to be with him. Sitting on his lap in the throne room or eating food with him in his chambers. She almost missed the rumours and hustle of the court and what the day brought for her and her lessons that her mother taught her. She was never desperate to go home until she sat in the mud pit shivering and realised that whatever agreement Joffrey had made if he had seen the mess she was in would he have ever agreed to it?

Robbs banner men taunted the little lion as she sat in her cage and as many of the men around her had no respect for her she kept her head down and didn't say a word. At least that way she could not get in trouble for speaking. However she found that not talking was just as bad and as she didn't accept the food that was given to her nor the comments from the men around. She found that these men were violent and more often than not Amelia felt the pain of a foot to her stomach or a new bruise to her face. At first Amelia screamed in agony but she was now used to it and the pain was just something that she had become used to.

Amelia had begged many a man that she saw at the start to speak with her brother or even the new king and each time she asked she couldn't get more than a few words out before she was denied what she had wished for with the reminder that she was a prisoner and they do not get what they want no matter who the family. Amelia gave up asking after a while and as the few days that she had been suffering from the pain she learnt there was no use in her being here as she was not going to win.

It was on the third day that Robb came to Amelia's cage and told the men guarding to turn away and go and find other duties, he had told his men that he was taking her out for fresh air to talk of her family and see where they were most likely to battle. But the truth was Robb saw the detrition and new pain in the princess's eye and just wanted to see if he could do something to change the looks on his face. Robb had told his men that she would sit in on the war council meeting tonight and talk of the Lannister defence strategies, telling his men he would use her wit before he decided her fate.

As Robb stepped into the mud pit he noticed that Amelia looked feral and was covered in mud and the ties that restricted her leaving deep wounds within her flesh. As robb took a step closer to Amelia he saw the fear in her eyes and as she tried to cower away she hissed in pain as her side started to burn up with the most recent pain. Robb knelt down closely to Amelia and gently took one of her hands before realising the bounds that tied them; all the while she could not look at him. Couldn't even stare him in the eyes, with the only look of pain and uncertainty she didn't take the hand that Robb held out to her for her to get up. Instead she struggled on her own to stand and although it took some time, Robb held some admiration for the young girl.

As Amelia was now fully stood her eyes were still glued to the floor "I thought that you could use some fresh air, we are moving camp tomorrow and you are needed for a few things before we leave. My men believe that you could be of assistance in the war council and your presence is needed tonight. I will have someone make you look the part." Robb then held out his arm for Amelia to take this time and as she tried to walk she wobbled quickly and Robb grabbed her still. Placing her arm in his he held her as they started to walk away from the cage that had become a familiar scene for her.

Robb kept his eyes on Amelia as she walked around the camp looking like she was a weak a needy women. She was not and if only she could see what she was like now it would ruin her. Robb walked slowly with Amelia as she pondered around the camp, the question after question that Robb was asking her came with little if no response and it was at this moment he realised he had lost the one thing that he needed to win the war and survive. Maybe she was better in Joffrey's hands after all.


Sorry guys my summer holidays have only just started! Hope you liked this chapter more chapters are coming in the next 6 week holiday. 

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